Chapter 12 Content Normality

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The morning sun just barely starts to show itself through the bedroom windows. You swiftly sit up from a vivid nightmare that Ghost left you again as you start hyperventilating with your eyes locking onto the floor. The intense fear of looking over your shoulder and not seeing him there would be too much to bare.

Suddenly, a familiar hand touches your shoulder as you turn around to see Ghost looking at you concerned. He puts his hand on your heart while placing your hand on his, "Breathe with to my heart beat. In........and out." Your breathing slowly begins to stabilize while a tear falls down your cheek.

You quickly throw your arms around him, burying your face into his chest.

Ghost tucks your hair behind your ear, "Bad dream?"

Before you can get any words out, he lays back down, pulling you on top of him while he strokes your hair with one hand and holds you tight with the other.

You look up at him with big doe eyes, "I'm so happy you're here, Simon."

Ghost pulls you up to his eyes, "Me too."

You kiss Ghost, letting the nightmare disappear as happiness comes back into your heart. You begin to get up to start your day but he tugs on your arm, pulling you back into bed. The sweet sounds of your laughter fills the air while Ghost kisses your body tenderly. His gentle kisses go from your forehead to your feet and everywhere inbetween. Your eyes watch his every movement as you bite your lower lip, "Do you want to take a shower with me?"

Ghost gets out of bed and offers you his hand, helping you up before heading to the bathroom and turning on the shower. You step into the warm water letting it wash away what happened late last night which turns into a dark pit inside your stomach almost like it never happened.

Ghost comes into the water with your back to him as he starts kissing your shoulder. You turn around to face him looking into his handsome eyes, wondering if he said what you think he said last night. Ghost tilts his head and smiles at you, "(Y/N), everything alright?"

You shake your head back into the present, "Sorry just my mind running away from me."

Ghost comes up and starts washing your hair, letting you relax and ease up your mind. The air fills your lungs as his hand finds its way to your heart. You place your hand on top of his, as if to say with no words ever spoken: This belongs to you now.

Ghost washes out the shampoo in your hair while still keeping his other hand over your beating heart. Once you feel the water moving away from your head, you open your eyes to him starting up on washing your body. The level of care you observe as Ghost uses only the gentlest touch to lather your body with soapy suds before washing it all away is euphoric.

Ghost takes a step back as you turn him into the water and return the gesture. You go to reach for shampoo until you feel like two holes are burning into your skull. You turn around and see Ghost giving you the death stare. A cheeky laugh accidentally slips from your mouth with his stare turning into a loving one.

"Is there something wrong with my shampoo?" You say with an adoring smirk.

"It smells like coconuts," Ghost says in a deep voice.

"Is there something wrong with the smell of coconuts?" You ask still smiling.

Ghost crosses his arms, "Not unless you like getting picked on."
"They would not!" You say in disbelief.

He nods slowly.

"Well, we can't have that, now can we?" You say putting down the shampoo.

You grab the soap, "Is this Ghost approved?"

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