Chapter 17 Damaged

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Three hard weeks into the mission and every day of it was brutal on everyone, but more so on Ghost. His heart ached for you like no other. He had this overwhelming feeling that something was wrong, but he had no way of reaching you. The only choice he had was to internalize his concerns. Another week goes on, and the feeling Ghost has is only getting worse. Luckily, the mission is over, and everyone gets on the plane to fly back.

Once the plane lands, König and Soap come running up to Ghost, "We want to surprise, (Y/N)!"

Ghost didn't listen to what they said. Making sure you're okay is the only thing on his mind. He quickly gets off base, almost running at this point. Soap and König are deeply confused, but they keep up the best they can. When they make it to the last block, they see Ghost just standing at the front door. As they run up to Ghost, music coming the house gets louder.

Soap touches Ghost's shoulder, "Come on. Sounds like she's having a party for us!"

Ghost jerks Soap's hand off of him and just stares, listening to the music. The song he hears is 'abcdefu'.

König waves his hand in front of Ghost, "What's going on? Let's just go in."

König reaches for the door handle as Ghost gives him the death stare, causing König to back up. Ghost puts his head back by the door, listening to the music. The next song comes on, and it's 'Die MF Die'. Ghost thinks he knows where this is going, but he will wait for the third song to play before acting. It's been so long. What are the odds. Ghost thinks as he keeps listening.

König and Soap just look at one another and shrug. Ghost stands still with his eyes moving side to side, in deep thought as what to do if this means what it means. After a few minutes the next song starts playing and it's 'Rainbow and Stuff'. Ghost's eyes turn red with his heart filling up with wrath as his breathing speeds up. His fingers clench tightly into a fist.

Soap notices Ghosts' sudden change in behavior. He reaches over and gently taps him on the shoulder, "What's going on?"

Ghost looks over to Soap, channeling all his anger into his words, "Find the location of a wanker named Tom."

Soap is still confused, "That's not vague. I need more information."

Ghost rolls his eyes and starts directing some of his anger at Soap, "Look at who was living with (Y/N) ten years ago. Look for Tom! Don't come back till you find his location. Go! Now!"

Soap starts looking at König funny while he stares at Ghost, "What's going on?"

"That information isn't necessary. Go with Johnny," Ghost says sternly.

That didn't answer König's question at all making him irritated, "This obviously has to do with her, so if you're not going to tell me, then I will ask her right now!"

As König reaches for the door handle, Ghost quickly grabs his hand and twists it behind his back, putting him in a painful situation.

With König's arm twisted back, Ghost walks him to the sidewalk, "If she wanted you to know about it, she would have told you a long time ago. Both of you, find me the knob head's location!"

Ghost releases König's arm and heads back to the house. König becomes incredibly angry, leaving only because Soap starts pulling on his vest. Ghost goes to the door and takes a deep breath in before opening it. He instantly sees you downing a shot while screaming the song lyrics, line for line. He walks up to the stereo and turns off the music.

You turn around, "Simon."

He runs up and hugs you profoundly before pulling away to look into your eyes, "He's back isn't he."

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