Chapter 9 Compelling Solution

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Well over a month has passed since the party and you start feeling more normal. You go back to Crazy Daves many times because that's better than drinking.

You still don't remember much about that night with Soap and Ghost, other then Ghost's face. You haven't seen much of him after that night either. He sometimes comes by to pick up Soap but he never stays for long and he doesn't even look at you when he's there.

You've been back to work which has been very dull and slow, leaving you with too much time on your hands and your head to daydream.

As you sit there tattooing, you find your mind wandering, fantasizing about being touched, kissed, licked. You shake your head, Get a grip!

As you finish up, you notice you're wet inbetween your legs. Fuck I need to get a handle on this!  You finish your one and only client, leaving you with the rest of the day off.

You walk to the shop door to lock up but you see Soap and Ghost coming over.

You open the door for them, "Hey, guys! What's going on? Want a tattoo?" You say with a smile.

Soap shakes his head, "Nah, I was actually wondering if we could crash at your place tomorrow night for probably a week. Our dorms are being taken over by new recruits temporarily."

"That's shitty of them, but yeah, I finally converted the game room back into a bedroom so there's plenty of room for you both," you say as you look at Ghost who still refuses to make eye contact with you.

"Perfect! See you tomorrow!" Soap says as he heads towards the door.

You quickly grab Ghost's arm and pull him back facing you except he keeps his head down. You take your hand and lift up his face so his eyes meet with yours.

"Are we ok, Ghost? Is it because of that party awhile ago?" Ghost is staring at you with mixed signals as if he's holding back the words he wants to say.

You put your hand on the side of his face, "I don't remember much of that night other then me being an absolute idiot and taking your mask off without your permission. I'm REALLY REALLY sorry about that, but I'm happy I finally got to see your face. I really do think you're very cute."

Ghost leans his face into your hand with his stance shifting on you. He's fighting his primal urge to forcfully grab your neck and kiss you. Every second he stares into your eyes, he sees how worked up you are, how you haven't been satisfied in a while.

Ghost growls quietly before walking out the door, leaving your hand still up where his cheek was sitting. You start getting dirty thoughts about shoving Ghost's face into you center, OK this needs to end here, adult shop it is, you think as you start cleaning up for the day.

After an hour of cleaning, you're ready to leave and go to an adult shop. Once there, you start looking for something to satisfy you, something to clear your head, "So many options this is kind of silly."

As you go across the store you see someone you really wish you didn't see, "Hey........Soap......Do I even want to ask what you're going to do with the 'Sexy' clown outfit you have in your hands?"

Soap laughs, "Yeah so a girl I met, Ann, she's into the whole clown scene."

You put your hand to your face, "That's.....not suprising....."

Soap starts looking at you funny, "The bigger question is, What are you doing here?"

"I don't have to answer that question," you say with a grin.

"Alright then, keep your secrets. See you tomorrow night!" Soap giggles walking over to the register.

"That wasn't shocking yet still embarrassing," you mutter under your breath.

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