Marks and wings

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The Mafia hideout

-Oh, so we're first, Changbin looked around at the familiar building. Almost nothing changed in 6 years.

-It took Seonghwa longer to claim his role as the Head of the Mafia again after Hongjoong's passing, Seungmin explained.

-He must have been miserable all this time. I know I would if I were to lose you, Changbin looked down, lost in his thoughts.

Seungmin smiled and ran his hands through the older's hair before hugging him gently.

-I'm right here, he whispered, feeling Changbin's arms crawling up his back and holding him tight.

-Get a room! a voice interrupted their sweet moment.

Both whipped their heads to see Hyunjin and Felix walking inside the room.

-Minnie! Felix jumped in Seungmin's arms.

Changbin patted Hyunjin on the back with a wide smile.

-You guys haven't changed a bit either.

-Can't say the same about you, hyung, Hyunjin replied. Look at you! You could move a building with your bear hands.

-Back off, twig! Seungmin caught Changbin's arm between his hands. This one is mine.

-I see you finally admitted you're whipped for your man, Hyunjin snorted.

-Shut up! Seungmin rolled his eyes and let his head fall on Changbin's shoulder.

-Awww, another voice coed from behind them.

They looked at the door in disbelief. Felix fell on his knees in shock and started crying.

-H-Hyung? Hyunjin stared at Minho.

-You all look like you've seen a ghost, he joked.

-How the fuck are you alive? Seungmin paced angrily towards him to pinch him.

Minho caught his wrist and squeezed it.

-Do that and I cut both your hands. You'll have to use your mouth for the rest of your life. Although I doubt Changbin would mind that, he smirked.

-He's real, Seungmin retracted his hand.

He took a deep breath before throwing himself in Minho's arms, shocking everyone in the room.

-Bastard! How dare you die before us? And without telling us, he sobbed in Minho's shirt.

-Ah, Seungmin-ah... Hyung is sorry for worrying his little brother, he chuckled. I missed you too! All of you! he looked at the rest of the members.

-What about me?

Jisung's smile faded the moment he recognised the voice. All the members froze as their leader leaned on the doorway.

-Channie hyung... Felix's mouth opened slightly.

-I honestly didn't think I would see you all again, he admitted.

-You're scaring them, Chris! Jeongin pushed him out of the way and watched how all his hyungs' eyes filled with tears.

-You grew so much, Innie... Jisung's voice broke at the end.

-It's been 6 years, hyung. We all grew. It's a shame we couldn't grow together, he forced a smile.

Hyunjin stepped closer to him and stared in his eyes, unable to see his little pupil in the mature man standing still in front of him.

-I missed you, dog! he hugged him tightly.

Their hugs were meant to be genuine, but they felt empty. Like they couldn't recognise the people in front of them.

After the awkward silence installed inevitably, Chan led then all to his current room, where he had spent the past years in as a Mafia active spy and mentor.

-Why are we here? Seungmin asked his leader.

Jeongin handed his husband the remote and the latter turned on the TV in his room to show everyone the news: "Stray Kids robbing a bank in Busan".

-That's not us, Changbin furrowed his eyes in confusion.

-Copycats. Plastic surgery probably. We need to be careful, Chan explained.

-That's why you called us here, Seungmin put the pieces together. To make sure it's not any of us there.

-Yes. Especially when two of our members are wanted thieves, he looked at Minsung with a dissapointed look.

-Look somewhere else or you won't see anything ever again, Minho growled.

-But if we do meet these guys... How are we going to tell them apart from us? Hyunjin asked.

He was on the edge of the couch with Felix clinging on to his arm.

-Well, three of us have tattoos, so that helps, Chan replied.

-Wait, three? Since when? Hyunjin raised an eyebrow.

Chan gave Jeongin a look and the latter sighed before taking off his shirt before everyone, revealing a pair of angel wings on his back.

-His burns didn't heal. He had to do it, Chan explained.

Everyone looked so worried, pitying the maknae and trying to keep it together as they recalled the horrors they went while traveling through Europe.

-What about the others? Jeongin killed the silence.

He wasn't a big fun of receiving pitying looks. He just wanted to get over the whole "poor Innie" speech he had heard before.

-Minho has a scar on his stomach, Jisung said. They couldn't know about it. I have burns on my chest and belly.

-Chris has the scars on the back and on his abdomen from Seungmin hyung, Jeongin added.

-I have scars around my wrists, Changbin said it out loud under Seungmin's troubled expression.

Silence installed again around the members. Only Jisung knew about them. Jisung and Seungmin, of course. For the others that came as a shock.

The more they revealed about each other, the more they realized how little they knew and how little trust they put into one another.

-What about you, Min? Changbin shrugged.

The younger bowed and showed everyone a long scar on the top of his head, covered by his healthy shiny hair.

-From one of my dads and his alcohol bottle, he explained. Here! We all have marks. Now what's the plan?

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