Eric's backstory part 2

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-Eric! Eric! Eric!

The latter turned around and spotted Hun cornered by a group of classmates.

-Hey, buddy! A little help here? he pleaded with his eyes while having a dumb smile on his face.

-Help you with what? I can't afford wasting a second. I need to get to the library right now or-

-They are going to kill me, he cut Eric off.

-Stop dramatising, jeez. We'll just teach you a lesson for pulling those pranks on us, a bigger boy said.

-They were funny, okay? Hun insisted.

The boy kicked him in the stomach and poor Hun dropped to the ground, waiting for the impact of at least 5 kicks at the same time.

He heard a loud bang. Something hit the lockers roughly.

He looked up hesitantly and watched how everyone froze in their places in shock.

Hun followed the direction and saw Eric's head bleeding. The latter watched the red liquid dripping down in his palms dumbfounded.

-Huh, he scoffed. Look, guys! I'm bleeding! a smile crept on his face. I did well, didn't I? I protected a friend and gave my all! Look, look! I did well, didn't I? To be honest, I had no idea what was I doing. I have never fought before. How was I? he asked with genuine joy in his eyes.

Everyone stepped back in horror as he flashed his bloody hands to them.

As he observed he didn't receive any answer, he looked down to Hun confused.

The blonde jumped up and cleaned Eric's head with the edge of his white shirt.

-Did I do something wrong? Eric's smile dropped.

-You did great, maybe too much, Hun joked to make the other laugh. You were amazing. But please, I beg of you... Never do this again, he hugged him tightly.

-But I did well. You are content with me because I tried my best and shed blood.

-I am happy that you are safe and didn't hurt yourself more, Hun clarified.

-Oh...Then should have hit myself harder?

-No! It's fine. You did good, Hun added just to end the conversation.

He didn't want to explain something so obvious, thinking it would get cringe.

However, Eric needed an answer. He thought with all his being that what made Hun sigh in relief was the wound he earned, not the gesture itself.

And with that mindset he walked home, proud and eager to show it to his mother as a trophy.

-Mother, look! I did something good! Look look!

Mrs. Lambrook saw her son's head wrapped in badages and freaked out completely.

-What happened? Who did this to you?

-A boy shoved me into a locker. But look look! It's blood! I did my best to protect a boy and received pain!

-You...You did it? You meddled in that and for what? How are you going to study with a headache? Huh? I did so much for you and you fool around and get into fights? Huh? Is this how I raised you? Your father was always getting into fights and look how he ended up like. You know what, I give up... It seems that I cannot shape you into a successful man. Very well. Do whatever you please, my dear son! You're free now. Do what you want. But do not come to me when you fail in life.

-But... I thought... Mom? Mom! Mom, I'm sorry! he chased her through the house as she ignored his very existence. Mom, please! Please hit me! Look at me! LOOK AT ME! he cried out loud.

-Eric, how is your head?

-Fine, he answered briefly.

-Good. I was worried, Hun confessed. What did your parents say when they saw you?

-Mom yelled at me.

-Fair enough, Hun shrugged. And your dad? Bet he was chill about it. Did he ask you if you won?

-We don't talk.

-Oh, Hun scratched his nape. Is he out of town or divorced?

-No. He is in the living room. He watches TV and drinks beer day and night.

-And you don't talk?

-No. I pass by him every morning but he's not awake.

-And when you dine?

-Only me and mom do. He doesn't eat when we're awake. He's too ashamed to lock eyes with us.

-Ah, Hun felt his heart break inside his chest. I'm sorry, man! I'm sure your mom won't be angry for too long.

-If I get a perfect score maybe.

-What if I come and talk to her? I'll take the blame.

-No. She won't welcome you in our house.



-Mom? Mom! Eric looked around the house.

-She left a few hours ago, a voice startled the boy.

He turned around and watched his father dragging his feet on the ground to the kitchen.

-What do you mean she left?

-She went to her mother. She used to do that when he had our little fights. She would come back 2 days later like nothing happened.

-It's my fault... Eric felt tears building up in his eyes.

-No. She always had those big expectations. She wanted the perfect husband, the perfect child, the perfect family. Like her parents taught her to aspire to. The moment we showed our flaws, she started molding us like some wooden puppets. She gave up on me when I kept hiding my alcohol bottles from her and I became a stranger. She needed me to spare her of the shame of a divorce, but she didn't NEED me.

-Will she... Will she throw me away as well? Eric's voice broke out.

-I hope not. If you behave and listen to her. She wants the best for you, but shows it in the worst way possible.

-I don't want her to ignore me... I love her, Eric cried his heart out.

-I know, kid. The worst part is that you are bound to love her forever. What a pitiful way to live your life.

It hurt. It hurt because it was not far from the truth. Eric was by blood forced to love his mother. He wanted to make her smile again. And every failure was twice more painful as he internalised her view upon himself. He was both ashamed and disappointed.

And, with his father beside as another victim of the vicious cycle, he received the most painful form of love: truth. He shed tears and let go of his worries, building himself into a son worthy of his mother that would work harder starting the next day.


Have you figured out who Eric is?

I was asked why are they called angels and the answer is pretty simple: they protect someone. You saw in Behemoth's backstory that Yuki protects his little brother. And you will see Eric's fate in the next chapter and who is the person he shall protect.

Thank you for reading and sorry for updating messily. It's been a hard time and I had trouble with writing and finding motivation. I'm so sorry! I'll try my best!

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