Cole's backstory part 3

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-Chul? Chul! Cole searched for his brother everything around the school until he found him in the gym.

He was surrounded by a group of popular kids and the smoke from their cigarette made Cole cough violently.

-Easy, bro. Don't die here, you'll make a mess, Chul said to make the gang laugh.

-Sorry, Cole forced a smile. I was wondering if you wanted to come buy a present for mom. I taught about this beautiful broch I saw at a store. It had these red stones and-

-Why would I do that?

-Because... Because it's her birthday in two weeks. I know it's a bit early, but better buy it now than miss it, right?

-Yeah, sure, Chul scoffed. Let's do it this way. You buy it and I write my name on the card. Sounds great, right?

-Hyung... Mom did everything for us.

-I didn't ask her to.

-You're such a brat! Cole snapped.

-Watch your tone with me, Chul got pissed off.

-No! You've became a jerk since you started hanging out with this bunch of losers!

-They are not losers! And at least I have friends!

-At least I don't let people treat me like a clown!

-At least I wasn't tested for all the mental problems ever! Such a "special boy".

-At least I can run without needing a surgery afterwards! Cole said it to embarrassed Chul.

-Get out.

-Gladly, Cole stormed outside.

He was fuming. He was so sick of Chul's new group of friends and their influence on him. He was sick of seeing his loving brother turn into an ungrateful jerk.

-Mister Ahn! Cole went to his dad to talk about Chul.

He was worried and needed advice from an old wise man.

Don't get him wrong, he loved his mom, but she was still so young.

Therefore Cole knocked at the door
of his father's class.

He heard rustling and then the door opened revealing a girl crying with her hair messy and her shirt wrinkled.

-Hey, are you okay? Cole asked confused.

-She's fine, Mister Ahn appeared behind her.


-Come inside, son! he took Cole in the classroom as the younger glanced last time at the poor girl.

-What happened to her?

-Bad grades. Blames it on me. Had to be firm. So what brings you here, Cole?

-It's Chul... He behaves weird. He smokes and talks bad things and hangs out with those weirdos, Cole said fidgeting. I... I'm afraid he'll get in trouble. He stopped taking his medication.

-Such a difficult kid. I knew why I picked you as my favourite child, he spinned a pen between his fingers.

-Dad, maybe you can talk to him and-

-Let him be, Cole! He needs to learn what consequences are.


-No buts. Look, your mom is really stressed these days and the last thing she needs is to find out her son is a hooligan. Let her pass this stage and we'll try to fix the problem afterwards.

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