Cole's backstory part 2

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-There is it, Ana opened the door.

Cole looked around and felt so blessed. Finally he had a family.

Not any family. Ana. He couldn't had asked for a better mom.

The apartment was small, crowded with unnecessary things Ana didn't have the heart to throw away and a ridiculous amount of toys and school notebooks.

She was too pure. She worked her ass off and used all her payment to buy Cole everything he could have asked for.

-You have two people to meet before we install you for good, Ana said excited as she took her shoes off. Come!

She walked him in the kitchen were an older man was watching TV and eating a cold meal.

-Cole, this is your new dad! Go and say hi!

Cole walked towards the man and noticed a grimace under the moustache.

He didn't like him.

They shook hands awkwardly and stared at each other until Ana dragged the boy to his room.

-I have a big surprise for you! she squeaked like a high school girl in love. You ready?

Cole nodded, eager to see what else had she prepared for him.

Behind the door there was another boy playing in the bed with some toys.

Cole stared in astonishment and waited for his mom to clarify the situation.

-My dear Cole, this is Chul. Your brother! Isn't it great?

The older boy turned towards Cole and waved shyly.

A brother? Cole was supposed to be the only child. He was supposed to live the life he'd always wanted with Ana. Now he had to share her and this house and his life with someone else?

-Chul had a pretty hard life and no one dared to adopt him. I taught a new friend would make you even happier. You have a full family now. Isn't it great? she hugged both boys at the same time and smiled widely.

-Great, Cole repeated after her with no intention to mean it.

He didn't like the idea of having to live with "a brother". At all.

-I'll let you two to get to know each other. I'll go prepare some snacks, she closed the door behind her.

-So... Cole tried to start a conversation with the older.

-Save it. You don't like me, Chul cut him off.

-I wouldn't say I-

-Please, he scoffed. You look so tensed. I won't bite. Yet. Let me guess. No parents, spent your life at the orphanage and miss Ana decided to take you in.

-How did you-

-Because same! Plus that I have a pretty ugly injury in my right leg from birth. I can't run. And no one wants to adopt a broken child who would be a pain in the ass and require expensive pain killers and therapy.

-Ana would.

-Can't fight with that. She has the biggest heart of all of us.

-She does. Let's try to behave for her sake.

-Works well with me, Chul shrugged.

Cole approached the bed and noticed one of the toys laying broken next to Chul.

-What did you do? he scolded the other. She paid a lot of money for this.

-I don't care about toys, Chul said blankly. There are of no use.

-Maybe, but she bought them for us! She'll be heartbroken. Don't you care about that?

Ana entered the room again to put on the desk a plate with fruits and snacks.

Chul got off the bed with a groan and limped towards her to grip her shirt gently.

She turned around in surprise and crouched down to be at his level.

-What's wrong, Chul?

He took out of his pocket a heart made of toy pieces glued together.

-So beautiful! I love it! she hugged him tightly. Thank you! I'll put it on the shelf next to your father's diploma. This is amazing! I didn't know we have an artist in the family, she giggled.

Cole swallowed his words back at the sight. Maybe he underestimated his new brother.

-I need to go back to work now. If something happens call me. Your dad is in the kitchen, alright? she took her purse and walked out the room.

Chul got back on the bed and went back to crushing his toys.

-You're full of talents, aren't you? Cole asked him.

Chul shook his head and pointed to the library.

-I can't do that.

-Read? You can't read?

-No one taught me how to. I wish I could.

-I can do that, Cole grabbed a book and returned to his spot next to Chul. I'll teach you. No one at the orphanage wanted to read with me.

-I do, Chul replied bluntly.

Cole cracked a smile and took a pen and a notebook to give to Chul. It was going to be a long lesson.

A few years later

-Cole, look at this! A music room! Chul paced along the halls of his new school with excitement sparkling in his eyes.

He was now an adolescent with acne and broad shoulders.

His younger brother followed him and almost clashed into him as his sneakers glided on the floor.

They were best friends. More than that. They just got each other.

Ana was the best mom ever and their whole purpose was to make her proud.

Their father was still distant, but he grew to care for them.

Everything just seemed perfect. They were now freshly moved into a new city because of their father's promotion and they were over the moon. The new high school was such a dream.

Moreover, Cole was going to be in his father's class. It was promising. Maybe he could had bonded more with him.

Chul sat down at the piano and started playing Paganini.

-How do you know how to play paino?

-I had one at the orphanage, Chul couldn't stop himself from smiling.

Piano was his long lost love. His only wish was to find a violinist to accompany him.

-It's beautiful. And I think the girls outside just developed a crush on you, Cole smirked as he glanced outside the window where a group of students were staring at his brother.

Everything was going to be just perfect... oh so he thought.

Two angels in the same backstory again???? What???

Write in the comments who do you think Cole and Chul are.

Thank you for reading!

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