Cole's backstory part 1

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Linda Weighbridge gave birth 2 months early to two boys.

Only one survived and he had to stay in the hospital another month to survive.

However, when the time came for him to go home, his mother didn't show up to pick him up.

She flew the country and the baby was left without a mother and sent immediately under the custody of an adoption program.

That didn't go as planned either.

-Oh, the one in the corner seems well-behaved, the old lady leaned closer to the kids.

-What about Cole? He's a very sweet kid and in desperate need of a loving family. He'll fit perfectly with you, the social worker tried to lure the couple towards little Cole Weighbridge who was playing with a car toy.

He was sweet, a bit clumsy and shy, but his doll aspect and his intelligence made him a shining light in the middle of moths. He was irresistible.

He was taken in by 3 families in a span of 2 months.

All came back with the same complain: "he creeps me out".

Why was that? Because Cole had his bad habit of talking alone which didn't sit right to his new parents.

Ana sighed before crouching down to Cole's level to take his hands and kiss each.

-I'm sorry you had to come back here, she bit her lip in order not to cry.

-That's alright, Ana. I like being here. You're my favourite person, Cole replied.

-Am I? she chuckled. Does your friend agree?

-He does, he looked at his imaginary friend for approval. He said he likes you a lot.

-That's great.


-Yeah? she tilted her head curious.

-Why can't you be my mommy?

-Where did that come from? she stared in shock.

-Everyone gets a mom. I want you to be mine. Please...

-It's not that easy, Cole... she ran her hands nervously through her long black hair. There is a lot to consider.

-But do you love me?

-Of course I do.

-I do too! I don't wanna go! I wanna be with you! he hugged her tightly.

Yes, there were things to consider.

Ana was 19... She was working part time at the adoption center and she was living with her much older boyfriend who had no desire to have kids after his third failed marriage.

She tried to stall the decision, yet Cole's questions wouldn't let her avoid the subject. She had to bring it to her companion.

-Baby, we need to talk! she jumped clumsy across the hall as she tried to take her boots off.

-The carpet, Aecha! The carpet! Don't walk with your muddy boots on the carpet, he put his hands on his head.

-Sorry, she smiled shortly.

She run towards his chair and landed on her knees next to her boyfriend.

-Baby... she whined.

-What is it now? What do you want? A new dress? New boots?

She shook her head with a sly smile on her face.

-Then what is it? I'm too old for these guessing games.

-I want a child.

-No, he replied harsly.

-You didn't even let me finish! she got up to follow him to the bathroom.

-I'm not going through that again, he closed the door in her face.

-You don't have to do anything! I want to adopt a sweet boy from work. Please, baby... she leaned on the door. My heart breaks when I see people ignoring him. He needs a loving home. And how sweet would be to have a third one here?

-This is not a dog, Aecha... This is a human life you're about to take full responsibility for.

-I will!

-You're too young!

-And you're too old! We complete each other! Gunwoo, please... The boy needs a home. And I need him.

-I love you, Aecha... But this is too big and too fast.

-Okay... That's not a no! she kept her hopes high. How much time do you need?

-2 years.

-2 whole years?

-Give the kid 2 years to try to find a family on his own. Give us 2 years to see if we match. Give yourself 2 years to figure out your future. Deal?

-Deal! she stepped back when the door opened and jumped in her boyfriend's arms in excitement.

-2 years? That's 730 days... Why can't I go home with you now? Cole started bawling his eyes.

-You need a shot to a family... I am no mother and my boyfriend is not sure I could be one. You deserve a family that can provide you the sweetest and easiest life.

-I don't need that! I need you, Ana... You're the only one that talks to me and plays with me and I love you! I love love love love love you! You're my mother!

-2 years... she ruffled his hair. I won't go anywhere. I'll wait for you. Alright?

-You better, he sniffed.

She broke into a smile and pinky promised to wait for him. That made his heart easier.

And those 2 years? They passed by so fast...

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