3 against 2

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Busan, the next day, The Local Bank, 08:35 am

-I just don't get it. Why am I not there to help? I can run in heels!

-Because Freda became a criminal herself. She is no longer a disguise, but a persona. We need to stay as hidden as possible, Chan explained.

The both of them were in a rented car, waiting behind the bank for any movement. Jisung felt so strange to work in a team again after 6 years. And to stay so close to Chan after he abandoned him.

He shifted uneasy in the passager seat and felt the cold breeze slowly making his body shiver.

-When I said I like the cop uniform, I didn't mean I wanted to wear one, he joked to kill the overwhelming silence.

-You can take the hat off if it's too much, Chan replied coldly.

-That's not... Why are you like this?

-Like what?

He didn't bother to look at the younger.

-Like this! I should be mad, not you! You left us!

-I did? You stopped coming to work, Jisung. I had my faith in you.

-My boyfriend was in jail!

-And my friend in the grave, Chan snapped back. Please admit it was everyone's fall. I do not bear more guilt than you do.

-I am a 27 years old man with a successful fighting club. Why am I the woman? Hyunjin whined.

His feet were killing him and the short skirt was rubbing uncomfortably against his body.

-Let's just get over with it, Minho sighed as he shared the same fate as the younger.

Both disguised as women, sent to the bank as customers to see the thieves from up close.

Minho scanned the room quickly, spotting the exits and the windows. Then he looked at the people inside.

He caught Hyunjin by the sleeve of his red silk shirt and whispered in his ear:

-You go left, I go right. You see something fishy, you tell me. No reckless moves, understood?

-Yes, sir, Hyunjin nodded.

He was astonished by Minho's growth. He was mature, afraid of losing people around him, therefore more cautious.

-I see a truck parked in front of the bank. Chris, keep an eye on it, Jeongin told his husband through the earpiece.

Him and Felix were on top of the opposite building, watching carefully the people entering the bank.

-Innie? Innie? Innie! Felix nudged lightly the maknae.

-What? Sorry, hyung, I'm used to 'Mister Yang'. That's what the professors call me.

-It's alright. But do your friends there call you like that too?

-I... I don't have friends, hyung.

-What? You've been there for 6 years. You must have...

-I didn't go there to make friends, Jeongin said coldly.

-I understand that, but still... Felix insisted, which pushed Jeongin's buttons.

-Hyung, everyone is afraid of me. Including the professors. I am the youngest of the spy group Stray Kids. I am part of the Mafia. People are not even looking at me. I literally had a woman the other day with a broken arm and begging for another resident to treat her. She was in pain, yet she didn't let me take a look.

-Oh... Well, at least you had Channie hyung, Felix tried to see the bright side.

-Not exactly. We had an argument during my first session of exams. I was stressed and fed up. I lashed out at him. He gave me space and both of us thought that was the end. We didn't talk for a year. That was the loneliest and most painful time of my life. I know you're trying to make it less awkward, but this is it. We haven't talked to each other in 6 years. We changed. You can either recall the old memories or make new ones. Hyung, I don't care less about you. You're my hyung and I love you. Just give it time.

Felix nodded and hugged the younger, his eyes filling with tears once again.

-What about you and Hyunjin hyung? Why did you go back to where you started?

-We both agreed to try from zero once again. To give us a fresh start, Felix explained.

Jeongin sighed and took Felix's hand in his own.

-Hyung, a war cannot be erased with peace. The memories, the damage, the pain... You see the shadow of war everywhere. Peace puts it to a stop, but does not erase it. You two have history together. You cannot erase that. I don't know which one of you wants this perfect relationship, but he needs a reality check. No relationship is perfect. You'll get through shit, so what? You'll have each other. That's all that should matter.

-You're really smart, Innie. Thank you! Felix whiped his tears.

-Good morning! Can I help you with-

A loud gun shot made everyone's hair crawl on their back of their necks.

They watched as the woman dropped dead on the floor with a whole in her head as a mysterious figure covered by a black hoodie watched his work of art with a mischievous smile on his face.

-Hey! Hyunjin ran towards it.

A hand grabbed his arm and smashed him to the floor, holding him down.

The man leaned down and smirked. He stabbed the back of his palm with a cross.

Hyunjin groaned in pain as looked up to see only the hood covering his attacker's face.

Minho went for the guy with the gun and tried to jerk off the gun from his hands.

He received a kick in his stomach, right in the scar. He found himself being thrown in the wall.

-I need help! he yelled through the earpiece.

That's all it took for Chan to jump out of the car and sprint inside.

-Put the gun down! he demanded as he pointed his own gun towards the hooded killer. Show yourself!

-Gladly, he grinned as he revealed his face.

Chan froze in shock as he glared at Hyunjin with shorter hair.

-Two Hyunjins?

-I don't care if it's Oprah. Kill him! Minho yelled.

-Behemoth! the second Hyunjin called for his partner that dragged the original Hyunjin with him.

-Tell your friend to leave our Hyunjin go.

-Tell him yourself, the man took the other's hood off, revealing Jeongin with black hair.

-Innie? Chan gulped in fear.

The latter looked at Chan with a cold expression. Almost like he was in a trance.

-For God's Sake! Minho sneached the gun from his leader and pointed it towards Behemoth's head.

Hyunjin used the diversion and kicked the fake Jeongin in the shin, before crawling back to his members.

-It's 3 against 2. Give up, Chan said confidently.

-God is always with us. We're three as well, Azazel said calmly. Besides, Mephistos is right behind you, he smiled.

Hyunjin turned around meeting with a Jisung with gray hair.

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