An angel falls

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Lucinda's palace

-Okay, here's the plan: you take Seungmin and I'm arranging these ladies' faces, Hongjoong said.

-What? No! I need to take you back to Chan. And you haven't fought in 6 years! I'll stay!

-And what if one of them wins? How would I know if it's a clone or the real one?

-Fine! Take care of yourself! We'll meet outside the building, she patted Hongjoong on the back before dragging Seungmin after her.

-What's going on? Satan asked Behemoth.

"Eligor was sent to kill Mephistos and Lucifer! We need to help them!" the boy signed with his shaky hands.

-He what? Why didn't you stop him?

"I wanted to, but I can't fight him. He took care of me, I just can't-"

-You don't get it, do you? If Lucifer dies, I die! You have to save him! You have to save my brother! He's the only one I have left!

"What can I do?" Behemoth asked on the verge of crying.

-Where is he? Where the fuck is Abaddon? Azazel's voice echoed through the hall.

Behemoth looked at Satan and knew right away what was to be done. He hid behind a corner and waited for Azazel to get close enough.

Behemoth punched him right in the face and ran for his life alongside Satan.

-That should slow him down. We need to find Lucifer now! Satan said.

Busan, Gwangan Bridge

-Where the fuck were you? Changbin took a moment to catch his breath.

-Commiting arson. Gotta fit into the character, right? Mephistos smirked proudly.

-You're joking, right? Changbin asked concerned. Yes and no.

-What does that even-

He didn't get to finish his sentence when a knife flew right above his head. Mephistos walked in front of him to protect him.

They were both on the Gwangan bridge and in front of them an angered Eligor was fidgeting with a dagger.

-He doesn't know I'm not Jisung. This could work in our advantage, Mephistos whispered.

-How so? He's gonna kill you!

-Exactly. I've been waiting for this! he plastered a mad smile on his face.

-I will be fast, Eligor uttered with a dull voice.

He made a step forward, threw a knife in Mephistos's direction and then attacked Changbin, slashing right through the skin of the hand he used to protect himself.

-Oh, you're not killing him!

Mephistos grabbed the knife he managed to avoid and pushed Eligor aside.

-Kill me, not him! he got on top of him and grabbed his collar.

-Get off! Eligor reached for his weapon, but Changbin kicked it in time.

-Fuck! he winced in pain.

-Don't be a baby! Mephistos scoffed.

That's when Eligor threw a punch in his face and went for Changbin instead. He managed to corner him on the edge of the bridge, right above the cold water.

-No, let him go! Mephistos groaned.

-As you wish, Eligor stepped back a few centimetres before swinging his knife right in front of Changbin's neck.

The latter had no option but to lean backwards and let the gravity save him from the blade cutting his life short. Yet he was now plunging towards another kind of death.

-Fuck it! You're useless, Mephistos sighed before jumping off the bridge after Changbin under Eligor'a confused eyes.

-Chris... Look! Jeongin tapped his husband twice on the shoulder to get his attention.

Towards them Lucinda herself was dragging someone by the hair.

-Felix hyung?

-That's not Felix, Chan stepped closer to shield Jeongin from any funny business she might have pulled.

-I bring you a peace offer, she smirked and yanked the angel to kneel in front of her. Kill him and I let your team live. Easy choice, right?

-Something's wrong, Jeongin squeezed lightly Chan's arm.

-And if I don't? Will you make him kill us?

-We'll see. But it doesn't need to get to that. One bullet in his skull and you're free to go back to your normal lives. Isn't that perfect?

-Chris? Jeongin watched Chan taking his gun and pointing it towards Felix's doppelganger.

The latter looked in Chan's eyes and nodded slightly, bracing himself for the death he knew would come.

-I can't do it, Chan lowered his weapon.

-So you've figured it out, huh? she kicked her angel on the ground. You're still weak, Christopher... You couldn't kill your pathetic friend and now you can't kill your cousin. Always letting other do the dirty work. Is that why you gathered this team? To kill for you?

-I'm not killing innocents!

-No one in this family is innocent, she took her own gun and shot.

-No! Chan shouted as he watched his own cousin getting killed.

Jeongin covered his mouth and gripped Chan's shirt harder, afraid to let him go anywhere near her.

-Now... Won't you come here and give mommy a hug, Christopher? she held her arms up and smiled.

Eligor looked down, searching for any sign of survival from the two victims. He needed to make sure he did his job right.

-What have you done? Felix asked from behind as he sliced Eligor's back.

The latter groaned in pain before kicking his enemy in the stomach and hovering over him.

-You're reckless. You're still hurt, he twisted Felix's broken arm and watched him scream in pain.

-Get off him! Minho came to the rescue.

-What? You're gonna throw a bomb at me? Go ahead! Kill me and your little circus freak.

-I'll tear you apart if you lay one more finger on him! Minho threatened his clone.

-You're trying to save him so badly. But you've got to ask yourself: is there anything left to be saved? Look at him! He's a monster. Blinded by revenge and bloodthirst. Just like us, Eligor got up and forced Felix to stay up. Where's the purity that saved you, Minmin hyung? He gave you all his light and you selfishly accepted it. Now he's shallow and gray just like us. You did nothing for him. Look at him! he brought Felix's face closer to Minho's. You ruined him! You ruined your husband and your kid and your team. You didn't get better, he laughed. You took away their light to make yourself look shiny. You're still a disgusting criminal, Minho hyung. You spread like a disease and you should just fucking die, Eligor let go of Felix and pushed him towards Minho.

The latter hugged the freckled boy and felt his head spinning.

-Well, aren't you a little hypocrite? The guy that jumped off the bridge? That wasn't my husband, Minho uttered before watching how Eligor's expression changed into pure shock.

-No, no, no! he looked down under the bridge, trying to find Mephistos. Fuck! No! he yelled in desperation.

Minho made a few steps back and threw a bomb in his enemy's direction, then crouched down to shield Felix from the fire.

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