Eric's backstory part 3

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6 years ago

-Mother! Eric heard the front door and saw the maternal figure dropping her things on the couch.

-Mother, I'm sorry! I was beyond wrong! Please don't leave me! he begged at her feet. I'll be first in class, I won't talk to anyone, I will study 16 hours a day.

-Are you hungry, sweetie? she walked past him straight to the kitchen.

-Yes! Yes, very hungry! he smiled as he followed her.

That was his second choice to prove himself to her. He couldn't mess it up.

-Eric! Eric! Hey, man!

Hun tried to get his friend's attention, but nothing happened.

Eric ignored him for weeks and even moved seats to be closer to the teacher and further to him.

Hun became worried and studied Eric each day, trying to understand what was going on. Did he do something wrong? Did he say something? Was it something more serious?

He tried to talk to the other kids in class about it and reach for their help, but they couldn't care less. Apparently Eric was nothing more than a snobby nerd that didn't have time for them. They hated his guts and Hun couldn't understand why. If they were jealous on his grades, they should have worked harder. What was the point in throwing shade at him?

One day Eric came late to class. That had never happened before.

Hun followed the boy in the bathroom and caught him while he was taking off his sweater. He remained in his t-shirt, revealing some serios bruises on his arms.

-Who did this? Hun entered the room properly and rushed to his friend's side.

-No one, Eric backed off.

-Is it your mother? Did she hit you?

-No! It's not of your business.

-You're hurt! Hun lashed back, grabbing Eric's wrist and pulling him closer.

The latter winced in pain and blushed as his eyes locked to Hun's firing rage.

-You got hurt before because of me... I don't want to see you hurt, Eric. I care about you. Please tell me if someone is being cruel to you! We can figure it out.

-I'm fine, Eric replied. I have to study now. Sorry for worrying you! he added before leaving Hun alone.

The next day


-Mrs Lambrook?

-Yes. Who is asking?

-Department of Child Protection. We received a call from the local high school about your son coming to the class with bruises.

-Who called? her grip tightened on the wooden door.

-Doesn't matter. We are here just to look around and make sure your kid is safe. May we come in?

-Sure, she made room for them to step in.

Eric tried to explain that he hit himself but no one believed him. A drunk lethargic husband on the couch and a rich wife with a short fuel weren't the perfect match to raise a kid. It wasn't looking good at all.

-Is there someone else that can take care of him? A relative or...

-My parents are in Korea and my husband's are long gone. Isn't it better for the kid to stay with us? Mrs. Lambrook kept her calm.

-Ma'am, we are trying to do our job.

-And so am I. As his mother.

-Mom? Please don't let them take me! Eric cried behind his mother. Please...


-Ma'am, he's clearly undeveloped for his age. He has no friends and he's covered in wounds. We can find him a new family and get him some help.

-No! I don't want to go! Eric screamed.

-If you want the best for him, you'll consider this. He does not behave like a 16 years old, does he?

Mrs Lambrook gave it a thought and figured that Eric was indeed not ready for his future. She had to give up her control, but giving him away was not an option.

-He'll stay with my sister.

-You have a sister?

-Yes. In Korea. He'll stay there. Away from me. Is that enough?

-I don't want to! Mom! Please! Eric refused.

However, it was not his call.

Korea, 3 days later

-Eric, isn't it?

The boy turned around and spotted a dark haired woman with high heels and a fancy yellow dress.

-It's so nice to meet you! she hugged him as he stayed still as a stone. My name is Lucinda and I'm your aunt. You and I will be best friends, she smiled widely.

Eric stared at her in fear. He had no more tears left.

-Look at these bruises, she took his hand and analysed each one. You are quite good at this. We can make use of it, she smirked. I'll train you and teach you Korean. You'll make me so proud!

Eric had a bad feeling about it. He stepped back while shaking his head hesitantly.

-You'll do what I say if you want your mother to be free. It took a lot of money to convince those agents not to arrest her for child abuse. Be a good kid and she'll be safe. We wouldn't want my sister to get in trouble, would we?

-No, Eric managed to whisper.

-Very good, she leaned to take a better look at his face. I have the perfect face for you..., Abaddon.

There are two angels in this backstory🤭🤭

Now we understand why Abaddon is a masochist :)

Thank you for reading!

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