Yuki's backstory part 1

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2 years prior Stray Kids' reunion

-Yuki, it's your turn to wash the dishes.

-No, it's not! It's yours, spoiled brat! the older brother spat back, his fork scratching the empty plate in front of him.

-Yuki. Leave the boy alone, their father looked up with a bored face.


-That's enough, Yuki. Don't be a bigger burden that you already are.

-You're always babying Mako. He's not a kid anymore, Yuki got up from the table and threw the plate in the sink.

-Careful, boy! You don't have money to pay for other plates. You're just a waste of space and food, he mumbled the second part, but his boy heard it clearly.

-And you're just a jerk ever since mom left, which I understand completely. Who would want to live with a drunkard like you? he hissed.

Mako hid under the table, knowing what was to come.

Their father grabbed the older brother by the neck and slammed him to the wall.

-You're just like her, he punched his son over and over again until the boy fell to the ground, hugging his knees and crying.

-Wash the dishes and get Mako in bed early. Tomorrow he has school.
Maybe he will actually succeed in life, he stepped on Yuki's hand on his way to the stairs.

Mako waited for the steps to fade and kneeled to check on his big brother.

-Don't stare at me and get me a napkin, Yuki winced in pain.

-Does it hurt badly?

-Nothing I can't take, he struggled to get up. Let's go to bed, he took Mako by the hand and limped to their bedroom.

-What about the dishes?

-I'll wash them after you fall asleep.

Matsumoto Yuki, the middle child and the disappointment of the family, was 21 years old when it happened. His parents divorced after he dropped out of law college to pursue his big dream of being a violin player. It didn't work.

His mother took their older brother back to Japan while he and the youngest were left in Korea with their alcoholic father.

Yuki lived as if he didn't matter, as if it wasn't any difference between being alive and dead. Because he saw no escape from his misery. He was constantly reminded of his stupidity by his father, reminded of the wasted years and money on him. Reminded that he was someone that no one wanted. Just a punching bag for his father. He could have left, yes, but he was there to shield his little brother. He wanted to wait until he was old enough to leave their father.

In the morning, Yuki took Mako to school before collapsing on the pavement under the burning sun.

He woke up in the hospital an hour later.

The moment he saw himself in a hospital bed, he jumped out of it and searched for his shoes. He needed to get out of that place as fast as possible. He couldn't afford to pay for a hospital bill. And if he were to ask his father for money, he would have been beaten up again.

He rushed through the painfully white walls, trying every single door in his desperate attempt to find the exit.

-I want a real doctor! I want someone else! Call someone else! I'm not getting treated by a criminal! a lady's voice rang through Yuki's head as he peeked through a cracked open door.

The lady stormed out the room, limping.

-Mrs, you need treatment for the ankle. I can help. Let me-

-No! I'd rather have it cut than Let a criminal lay a finger on me! she cut him off.

-I can arrange that, Yuki blurted out.

-Excuse me? she turned towards him offended.

-You heard me. Be grateful he's wasting his time on you. If you don't want a doctor you're free to bear the pain for the rest of your life, spoiled bitch, he added, fixing her with cold eyes.

The woman froze in shock as the doctor widened his eyes and stared at the boy.

-How dare you? she raised her hand to slap him.

-No! the doctor stepped between the two. I'll arrange for another doctor to check on you.

-Good, she turned on her heels content.

-I could have hit her back, Yuki mumbled.

-I know. You're Yuki Matsumoto, right? I treated your wounds earlier. I had to peel off your shirt since the Blood dried and glued the material to your skin. I disinfected everything. You can take off the bandages in a week.

-I... I don't have money to pay, doctor... Yang? he read the name written on the coat.

-Resident Yang, the man corrected him. I'm still in university. And don't worry about money. I gained experience and you gained a free consultation, he winked.

-Why would you do that for a stranger?

-We're humans after all. If we don't show a bit of humanity, who should do it for us? he said with a weak smile.

-I can sing for you. As a payment. I play violin. Or... I used to.

-I would love to hear you, Jeongin chuckled.

-I'll be back.

-Where have you been? Yuki's father asked furious as soon as the boy unlocked the door.

-To the hospital.

-Wasting money again? What, you can't take a few punches? Weak brat, he cursed.

Yuki didn't have the energy to fight with the old man. He could smell the alcohol in his breath from a mile.

He shut his mouth and walked past him, looking for his violin case.

-Are you fucking kidding me? You dropped out of university and now you're playing that stupid shit again? You're doing it on purpose to drive me mad, aren't you?

Yuki didn't answer. He took the instrument and kept his gaze to the ground.

-Say something, dammit! his father pushed me to the ground.

No reaction. He got up again and the moment he saw the door open he sprinted down the stairs, not looking back.

-Sorry, is doctor Yang here? he asked the first nurse he found.

His cheeks were flushed and he was panting. It was winter outside, yet he was only wearing a loose shirt and pants.

-He just left. He may still be in the parking lot, the nurse replied startled. I can call another doctor if you need-

Yuki didn't even let her finish. He ran outside and spotted the man getting in a car with a blonde older man.

-Doctor Yang!

Jeongin told Chan to wait a bit and went outside to approach the boy.

-What are you doing? It's freezing outside! he sounded worried.

-I promised I'd sing to you, Yuki took a deep breath and prompted the violin on his shoulder before slowly moving the fiddle string.

His fingers were almost numb from the cold, yet he played and played until he felt the sting taking over.

When he finished his song he looked up to see frozen tears on Jeongin's cheek.

-That was beautiful, Yuki, Jeongin smiled. Here! he took off his jacket and gave it to the younger. Please continue to play! You're so talented, he patted him before giving him his number. And call me if you get in trouble again, alright?

-Yes, mister Yang! Yuki nodded.

-Call me Jeongin.

Confused? This is one of the angels' backstory. I wonder which one of them was once Yuki...

Thank you for reading! I will do my best!

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