You're my puzzle

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-Bang Chan? Minho yelled louder than Jisung.

The apartment was a bit too quiet.

Fortunately Felix came from Hyunjin's room to tell them that Bang Chan was not back yet.

-I'm going to call him to tell him we arrived, Minho sat down on the couch and dialed Chan's number.

-How was the mission? Felix stared confused at Behemoth.

-Exhausting, Jisung sighed. How is Seungmin?

-Not very Seungmin. Changbin hyung is trying to talk to him.

-And Hyunjin?

-Same, Felix replied disappointed.

-It's okay. We just need to wait for boss and think of the next move.

-If he cares to answer the phone! Minho groaned pissed off.

Jisung's phone started buzzing in his pocket.

-Ryujin? he placed it at his ear.

"Are you Ryujin's...ahmm brother?"

-Yeah. Who is this?

"I'm Winter. We're in big trouble and I can't reach Seonghwa. We need help!"

-Where are you? Jisung started freaking out.

He listened carefully to what was Winter telling him and promised her to he there as fast as possible.

-Lix, take Changbin hyung and come with me!

-What about Hyunjin and Seungmin?

Jisung looked at the angels, knowing they were his only shot.

-Let them take care of them.

-What? No! I don't trust them! Felix yelled.

-I do. And Minho will be here too. I need you two to help me. Please!

-I don’t know...Felix hesitated. I'm scared to leave Hyunjin again. Especially with him, he threw a nasty look at Lucifer who rolled his eyes in response.

-What's going on? Changbin heard the argument and slowly closed the door of Seungmin's room before walking towards the others.

-Hyung, will you come with me to save Ryujin? Jisung almost begged.

-Who's going to take care of Seungmin then?

-What about me... Jisung blurted out in a sigh.

-What? Changbin asked confused.

-WHAT ABOUT ME? Jisung lashed out.

Everyone stared at him in shock. Minho put the phone down and listened carefully.

-Hyunjin is getting better and Seungmin will survive for 4 minutes by himself. I WAS ALONE FOR 6 YEARS! And no one bothered to check on me. Because I was in such a bad place mentally that I wasn't useful anymore, right? You have no fucking idea what I had to do to survive. I had a child and a dead boyfriend and no one even called. YOU ABANDONED ME AND YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO TREAT ME LIKE SHIT EVEN NOW. I tried to forgive and make myself better. Ever since we reunited I've been nothing but useful. I took the initiative, I helped with everything, I even saved those kids to give them a better life. I went to the prison and almost got raped by that creepy dude! All to be useful. But turns out... I'll never be good enough for you. I'll always be Minho's happy pill and that's it. Does Seungmin need his hyung? I needed my hyung too! Jisung cried. You all ran to your perfect lives and left to die. So yes, I can be mad! I can fucking yell and I can fucking ask you to help me save my sister. The only one who actually cared to call me.

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