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-Innie, can we at least talk about it?

-Nothing to talk about. I'm leaving.

-Let's sit down and think about it first! Chan chased after his husband through the hall as the younger dragged after him a suitcase.

-No, hyung! You're not to blame for my outbursts. I'm just stressed! Felix tried to reassure Minho who was in the middle of a crisis after what Eligor had told him.

-Are you alright, hyug? Breathe with me, okay? Jisung took Changbin's hand and showed his hyung how to take deep breaths to calm down.

-Are they always like this?

-I wish I could say no, Hyunjin replied from his wheelchair.

-My head hurts, Lucifer whined. Too much chaos.

-Amators. How are these the most fearful spies in Korea? Mephistos asked.

-Experience? Abaddon shrugged.

-Did you just call me old? Hyunjin made a dramatic grimace.


A few hours prior

Jeongin hid behind Chan, paralysed in fear. Their enemy was his mother-in-law and they just had witnessed the death of Chan's cousin.

The leader, however, was oddly calm for someone who just witnessed a family member being murdered in cold blood by the mother he thought dead.

-Chris? Jeongin squeezed lightly Chan's shoulder, waiting for a plan to escape.

-What do you want? Chan finally spoke, talking to his mother.

-Is that it? I was expecting more passion from you, Christopher. Your cousin is dead because of your stubbornness.

-You should know better than anyone that I wasn't born yesterday, MOTHER.

She widened her eyes in surprise. she looked proud. impressed of her son's wits.

-Mommy is so proud of you, baby! Brilliant idea. I had to try it as well! she kicked the body at her feet. Get up, scum! she grabbed Abaddon's hair and forced him back up. Here! Meet your cousin! she pushed the boy towards Chan and Jeongin.

Felix's doppelganger fell to the ground and winced in pain.

-Crazy bitch, he mumbled to himself before being helped by Chan to get up.

He joined Jeongin behind the older as Jeongin noticed the paint on his head.

-Jisung hyung's trick... he figured.

-She made me do it. I'm sorry for scaring you! Abaddon bowed in shame.

-What do you want from us? Jeongin yelled annoyed.

-I want my child back! she clenched her jaw. You damaged him. You ruined him. All that work and training going to waste... But that's alright, she plastered a crazy smile. I can fix him. Isn't that right, Chris?

-How are you alive? Chan searched in his pocket for his dagger in case he would have to protect his husband and his cousin.

-Just an old fashion fake death. I wanted to get rid of your father anyway. I couldn't stand him. You should have seen their faces when I shot them all.

-You... you killed Hongjoong's parents, Chan gulped in horror.

-They were witnesses. I had to. It took me a while to gain the money for my new face, the palace and the angels, but I've done it! All for you to be comfortable, baby!

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