hell starts

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I woke up looking out the window to see the sun not up yet. I look at my phone. 5 ohh. I looked for clothes to wear. I saw high waist jeans and a baggy shirt. I put the shirt on and jeans, I walked over to my bathroom and did my skin care and makeup. I just put my hair up in a messy bun with pins in it.

I walked over to my sister's room, I had a note and I put in on her door. I grabbed my backpack and walked out the door. I walked to the school a 10 minutes early. I hanged around the school in an alley way waiting for the doors to open and the busses to get here. The bus I take is second bus. The first bus came and I ran into the building. When I turn a corner I make sure Tom or Bill wasn't there. The first bell rang, I waited for the halls to clear and everyone in the classrooms so I can make sure Tom wasn't there. I saw my classroom, I walked over to the doorknob and turned it. I saw the first chair by the door. I Sat down and scammed the room, I saw Tom in the front of the classroom.

I sinked in my chair so he can't see me. I closed my eyes and thought. 'He will think I was not at school.' I breathed. The teacher went on with the lesson. I opened my eyes to see Tom not there anymore. I started freaking out. I sat up in my seat then I felt and hand on my knee. I look over to see Tom. I slapped his hand away. I raised my hand up. "Can I use the restroom." I asked the teacher, he gave me a Nod. I ran out the room. I didn't return to lesson for the rest of the day.

End of the day comes, I was walking home, I reached my house. I went up to my room. I locked the door. 1 in the morning came around. I was bored, I saw my window. 'A little midnight walked.' To clear my head. I opened my window and climbed out of the window. I saw the street. I was walking to the park near my school.

I reached the park. I got a text message. Probably mum. I opened it, who's this kaulitz_89 weird. 'Um who are you?' 'Don't need to worry' 'I'm always watching.' The last text before they went offline. What the hell.

I started walking back to my house then a car rolls up next to me. The car stops in front of me. "Hey why you leave like that?" Tom walked in front of me. "Yo-You are the one who texted me?" I started back up. "Yes, know answer my question." I was to stuned to speak. "You where being weird and what you did to me yesterday w-was uncalled for." I screamed almost breaking into tears. "I can do whatever hun, you can never leave me." I turned around ran for it. I ran back to my house and got back into my window.

I was laying on the floor in tears. I fell asleep.

My sister woke me up. "What?" I asked her "Come we have to leave now." Shit I haven't changed it is whatever. I got my stuff headed out the door. She walked off then I just waited for the bus. The bus came, I sat in a different spot on the bus.

We got to school I walked out of the bus. Walked to my fist class and just Sat there falling asleep. I ended up falling asleep. I woke up to see no one in the room just on person sitting in the corner. I looked around and grabbed my things. I went to the door to open it. "What the hell" the door wasn't opening. "Don't bother Bill chained it from the outside." Tom came out the corner. I backed up to the teachers desk. Jabbing my back into his desk. "I told you, you can't leave me."
Tom came closer face to face.

"What do you want from me?" I asked him "you, I want you." He grabbed my face. "WHY Me there is others in the world." Yanking his hand off my face. He slammed my back on the table. I groaned in pain. "We can have fun now, we have time." He grined at me. I was moving from under him. He held me in place and started kissing on my neck.

I moved my hands to his chest to push him off of me. His hands running up and on my waist and hips. "Please. Don't take it." I plead. "Take what, ohh I never new you still had your v card." Oh shit I messed up. I started shaking under him. I grabbed his face and pushed it up. "Really, that won't do anything." Tom said. He let me go and grabbed somthing out of his backpack. Ran for it.

I grabbed my backpack and threw it at his head. "You really fucked up this time." He came towards me. I flipped him off, he grabbed my shirt. He picked me up and layed me down on the desk. I tried rolling but he grabbed me and turned me towards him. I screamed but ended up muffled because of Tom hand.

He grabbed my jeans. "Fuck yeah, I will be the first man in you." He got my pants lose, he ran his hand up my shirt. "STOP Tom don't touch me." I spat at him. He pulled out a needle and stabed it into my neck. "Shit." I yelled before it turned black.


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