needles in skin

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I felt like someone was standing over me. Their breaths are running down my spine. I wasn't too worried. It is probably Tom or Bill. "Don't panic. It will be over so." I heard a different voice. I open my eyes to see 4 people standing around the bed. "What the hell." I said then someone's hand was on my mouth. I was panicking. They are not Tom or Bill. I panted, trying to get free. "Come on, don't make this harder than it needs to be." The figure said. He pulled out a needle and stabbed it into my neck. I jolted up out of pain. They, one by one, were stabbed into me in different places.

I felt ozzy after all the pain I was in. I heard the door slam open and then shut. I heard people scrambling around , and gun shots were fired. I couldn't tell out what was happening, just what I heard. "Y/N, wake up." I was getting shaked by Tom. I heard choked back sobers that was in his voice.

I passed out

Tom's pov:

I shook her to wake her, but she passed out. I freaked out, "Is she die?" I thought myself. How could we just leave her and all of this happens. How am I going to save her. I looked at the dead bodies. There was a paper in some guys pocket. I grabbed it. "If you are reading this, Tom goes to this location for the antidot. COME ALONE." I read out loud to Bill. "I'm coming with you." He told me as he walked over to her sleeping body.

He picked her up, and he walked over to the door. We ran out of the building to the car. We got in and sped away. I the street lights were so bright. We arrived at the building. "I'm going in. Stay out here with her." I opened the glove box and grabbed a gun out. I pulled both guns out and loaded them. "I will text you when to come in with her." I slammed the door shut, then walked into the building. I pulled my gun out, and I looked around each corner, making so no one was over there. I walked down the wall. I stopped in my tracks by voices. "I gave them the note for him. He should be showing up." A man with a deep voice, I turned the coner with my gun pointing at them.

"Where the fuck is the antidot?" I screamed at them. One pulled it out of his pocket. He tossed it to me. Then I shot both of them. I grabbed it. Then pulled out my phone. I called Bill to bring her in. He had her over his shoulder, I swiped my hand on the table to clear it. He layed her down on the table. I found a needle, I stabbed her twice in her arm and neck.

I shaked her back and forth, her eyes opened. "Yes keep your eyes opened, don't close them." A tear fell for my eyes on her. I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a hug.


He gave me a hug, I gave him a hug back. His eyes were full of tears, his tears was falling from his eyes. I wiped his tears away. "It is OK, Tom, I'm here." I ushered him.

I got off the table holding his hand. I walked to the front door with him.
I saw the car and opened his door for him. He sat down, wiping his tears away
I bent down to his hight and gave him a tight hug. He gave me a tight hug back.

Bill drove back to the house. We got in, I ran to the kitchen and looked for food to cook for them. "What is your guys favorite food?" I asked them  "Tom and I like pasta." Bill responded. I grabbed all the  ingredients to make it.

I was almost done with the sauce. "Looks good." Tom came up behind me and held my hips. I turned my head and gave him a smile. I grabbed two plates from the cabinet. I made Tom and Bill there food. "Thank you." Bill looked at me with a smile.

I walked over to the couch and sat down. I flipped through the channel on the TV. The new came on. "SO it was been almost 4 months sence Y/N Y/lN has been missing." I stared that my picture. I looked back at Tom that was staring at me. "How's the food?" Trying to hide the fact that I was confused about the news. "It is good, I love it." He had excitement in his voice. I standed up from the couch, I grabbed a cup and got water. It was soo long sence I had water. I drank water after water. I was done with my 6 cup of water. I put the glass on the table.

I standed up for ten minutes I had to use the restroom. I ran in and used it. I walked out after washing my hands. I saw Tom standing outside the door when I opened it. "What you doing." He asked me. "I was using the restroom." I walled passed him to the kitchen. I drank some more water.

I lay in front of the door to feel the cold coming from the door. Tom standed over me.

"You trying to leave?" He asked me. I looked at him. "No, I like the cold." I told him rolling back over to my side. He picked me up and laid me down on a bed. "Here, you can sleep here." He told me, giving me a kiss. I felt ozzy a little.

I standed up again to use the restroom.

I walked back from the bathroom to the room. I lay back down and passed out.


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