different house same hell

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I woke up with my neck throbbing from the needle. I went to look down but hurt like hell like, always. Before I jerked me head up, I saw rope around my waist and arms tied by my side. I saw Bill's car keys. 'Is the bastards still here.' I said to myself. Bill turned the corner. "Yes, we are still here, I am going to put this in your mouth so you can't scream for help or anything." Tom walked out with a rag. "Ohh hell nah, I promise I won't do anything scream, just don't put it in my mouth." Plead to them trying to move my hands. "Fine, I will give you one chance. If you blow it, I will kill you on the spot. Understand?" Bill said to me as I looked at him with happiness.

I put a camera in front of me to see if I will scream or get loose. They left, I looked at the camera and smiled I started moving to get my arms free but the needle in my neck was fucking up my plan. I just pushed thew the pain. I managed to push the rope down a bit not enough to get out. I thought fuck it I am going to die anyway. I screamed intill I lost my voice.

I heard the door open. "Oh shit here is my time to die." I said as I started laughing. "Is everything alright in here?" Yes someone to help me. "No I am tied and I can't get up." He ran to me and untied the rope. "Thank you so much." I said with a Squeal. "Sence I helped you, can you do me a favor?" He asked. "Um it depends on the favor but sence you did help me sure." I said looking at him. "Good." He said before turning around towards the door. I thought he was leaving. "Bye." I said as he turned to me "oh I am not leaving, just closing the door." He smirked at me. "I don't feel Comfortable, please open the door." I said him politely. "How about no." He said to me walking over to me. "Open the fucking door, I will not ask again." I was now getting pissed off.

He pushed me to the wall and started choking me. I slapped him and scratched him for him to release. He put me on the bed. I was Quicker then him. I ran off the other end. "Shit of course I have to kill him myself." I said to myself. He tried grabbing me. I pushed him into a wall and started punching him in his guts and head. "I am in a new house but Same hell, you are making it worse for me." I let him go. He pushed me to the floor. "GET off of me now you bitch." I kicked him and he hit the wall. I got up to see the night stand. Hell ya the needle. I grabbed the needle and started stabbing him with the needle. Blood Squirted on me in my face. Shit wh-what have I done. I fell to my knees in tears. "I am a fucking monster!" I screamed at myself.

I heard to the door open. I grabbed the needle out of his neck. Held it up. I was about to charge the person that was walking in the door. "You better drop it Y/N." Bill said from the door. He looked at me. "What the fuck happened here?" Said from the door. I dropped back on my knees and got into a ball on the wall. I started crying harder. "It is all right." Tom took my hand. I snapped it back. "You guys ma-mad at me." I lifted my head up to look at him. "No no we are not we are just surprised that you killed him." He standed up and walked over to bill. "I told you Bill I win pay up." He said cheering. "What do you mean?" I asked looking at them. "Should I tell her or you Bill?"

"Fine I will tell her. So he was a friend of ours and we set him up with trying to kidnap you and more." Tom said. "What the fuck is wrong with you." I got up about to walk out the door. "Come on stay with us don't leave us." Tom said as he plead to me. "No leave me alone. You left me." I snapped at him. I walked out the door.

He walked out the door and pushed me to the wall. "Come on let's hang out." He said. He pulled me into the room. "Just relax." I didn't want to relax, I just got up and went to the bathroom. I went to close the door. "No you will keep the door open or if you close it I will be in here with you." Hell nah. "Fine whatever." I said as I got to the shower and turned on the water."Don't come in here, I will keep the door open just don't come in. " I demanded. I got undressed and stepped in the shower. I saw Tom looking into the mirror of the bathroom. "Tom stop looking at me I can see you dumbass." I said. He walked in the bathroom and closed the door."umm Tom keep that door open" I told him. "I think no, I will do whatever I want." He said as he walk towards the shower. I turned off the shower and stepped out, I got a towel over me to cover up.

"Come here let's talk." He said as he grabbed my arm. "First let me get clothes on." I pushed his arm away so I can get dressed. "Nah I think you are alright." 'Well I want clothes on.' I demanded. He slapped me across the face and I hit my head on the counter. Everything went blurry then black.


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