Ch.2: A Battle To Remember

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Izuku woke up in a cold sweat with his breathing heavy and hair disheveled. Of course he did, he just lost an arm did he not? He felt his left arm just to be sure.

It was there. "He" was okay. At that moment Izuku felt unsure, whatever that "dream" was felt too real, the wounds inflicted by Genichiro of Ashina felt like they were still there, they felt like memories.

Was he Wolf the shinobi of the Divine Heir? Or was he Midoriya Izuku son of The #6 hero?

Oh well, these thoughts can wait until he quenches his thirst and changes his shirt. He walked over from his room down the stairs to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and drank some water. Water had never tasted this good before, he drank like a man on the desert whk just found an oasis. He took the liberty to check the time.

'Hmm.... short hand on 5 long hand at 12?!'

Izuku normally slept until 7 'o' clock after which his mom would wake him up and prompt him for breakfast and a shower, before sending him off to a primary school nearby. Now, he was up at 5 a.m.? What the hell was he supposed to do?

'Weirdly enough I don't feel tired, maybe I should review my fight with Genichiro'

Wait. His fight? Does he already believe that he was the Divine Heir's Wolf? Scratch that, what the hell does "The Divine Heir's Wolf" even mean?

'When the doctor said hippopat- wait no, hippocat? hippowhatever, the doctor said memories (記憶) right? Could these be memories of whoever "Wolf" is?'

'I'll think about that later, for now the fight.'

'Making the way to the escape route was relatively simple, clearing out some soldiers station to "guard" or in other words keep Lord Kuro imprisoned, then killing the general.'

'It was easy. Too easy, almost like it was second nature? That definently can't be norm-'

"Izuku? Why are you up so early? Did you have a nightmare?" Inko asked her son worriedly.

"No, mom I'm alright, but I think I've understood what my quirk is." Or so he thinks.

"Is that so young man? Though as much as I'd like to ask, it's half past 5 in the morning now, you should go back to sleep. It's the weekend you know." 'lord knows I'd like to go back to bed.'

"Okay mom, I'll tell you later, ᵉᵛᵉⁿ ᵗʰᵒᵘᵍʰ ᴵ'ᵐ ⁿᵒᵗ ʳᵉᵃˡˡʸ ˢˡᵉᵉᵖʸ" He muttered the last part.

"Hmm? What was that?"

"Nothing mom, I'll head off now."

"Good night Izu-Chan." Said Inko as she made her way to the fridge for some water.

"Good night, mom" He said as he made his way upstairs to his room.

'seriously he has too much energy when it's about quirks, just like his father.' thought Inko with a smile on her face.


'I can't sleep.' thought the young cinnamon roll.

'It's not because of the memory, it's something else, like I've woken up completely? A side effect of the quirk?
I feel oddly energetic, powerful even.'
Izuku pondered as though a ghost had woken up from his body. A quirk-nerd ghost to be specific.

He thought back to the fight, he could feel the adrenaline as his heart started thumping quickly. He immediately calmed down, 'It is unbecoming of a shinobi to show their emotions. Keep them locked away, they are not of use of what action you should take. Think with only your mind, all else is secondary.' Boomed an old, tired voice of some grandpa? Oh well.

Lord Kuro (The Dive Heir) was shaken up at his appearance, a pacifist he seems like.
He stepped forward, trying to say something, pulling him back immediately I drew my blade, the draw was sloppy, It seems my time in the well has made me rusty. This will come to pass.

"You face Genichiro Ashina."


'I was beaten. Completely and thoroughly, I don't know what it was but it was as though I was at odds with my own body. I lost my arm, it was replaced with a burning sensation near the start of my bicep, a searing unending pain. Until I blacked out from blood loss and seemingly died. Causing me to wake back up.'

'It was strange, one instance I felt strong after beating the Commander at the Castle Gates, then came Genichiro Ashina and handed my ass to me. I wonder what happens next in the memory?

'It can't possibly end there right? The quirk seems to trigger only in my dream, well today's Saturday so no school and even though it's only 6 in the morning I'm starving. I'll go make myself some cereal for now. Mom's usually in bed til 8 30 AM on off days.'

And make some cereal he did, climbing on to the dining table and looking out the window as he ate his blueberry flavored cereal. Watching the sunrise as he finished his meal, he brushed his teeth on the front porch, washed his face and started freshening up.

He felt ready for battle now.

'Hmm, mom isn't up yet, it's almost 7 'o' clock now, she should be up soon... Should I study the way Wolf fought? This quirk is weird... One instance I feel alive as Wolf, and another where I wake up? It's like another life of mine, what did our Art teacher say?... Identity Crispy? Cruise Ship?? Crises, yes that's it, Identity Crisis.'

'I'll get to sword swings for now, the back yard should do, I'll look for a stick there.'

Looking for a sword-like stick for a good 5 minutes for him to finally find one that fit his tiny stature. Wasting no time he quickly started imitating Wolf's moves.

He could faintly imitate Wolf's swings but really it looked like he would fall any second. So he recentered his feet before getting back into stance, bending his knees and starting again.

30 minutes later, which Izuku could swear felt like an eternity, he was tired, his arms were sore and his shoulders felt like they would fall off like loose screws.

Well, he was only 5 after all, at least he made some semblance of progress. Each time his swings were shakey and off balance, he recentered his feet and reset. By doing so a multitude of times, he could feel his swings get steadier and more precise.

But, no more of that, he was tired and thirsty, swings can wait, his parched throat comes first.

He hears faint music coming from upstairs as he makes his way to the kitchen, his mom's room probably. She likes listening to music first thing in the morning.

"Love me like you say do~" Sung Inko at the top of her lungs.

'Seems she's in a good mood today. Well, I need to finish up with the homework for now, I'll train again in the evening. Maybe I should ask mom for a bokken (wooden training sword) to train with.'



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