Ch:41 - Nine bows.

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Heading to a hero internship with three hours of sleep was probably not one of his brightest ideas.

Then again, he rarely had bright ideas when it came to hero work.

Kaina seemed worried for him, and each time she expressed it, a pang of guilt would shoot through his heart. He couldn't place a finger on why, but it wasn't something he'd thought much on.

His mind returns as the light goes green. He sighs and kicks the car into gear.

Since he's decided to use his bike for leisure instead of work, he has to head out earlier than usual to evade traffic. Taking the train was probably more efficient, but not driving that car was a crime he did not wish to commit.

He'd decided to stop by a cafe and read a few papers related to his research. Academic studies were important after all.

It's Six-Thirty a.m. and he reports to Mirko at Nine. More than enough time to get significant work done.

He thinks back to Endeavour's arrest. It was quite, he was shoved into a police car hidden away from the public. As much as Izuku wanted the public to slander him, that satisfaction could wait until the actual trial.

Time passes quickly as he works on his tablet.

He decides to set off at eight-thirty. Mirko's building, situated in east Nakano, not too far from Shinjuku.

He shows the I.D that was mailed to him from her agency at the garage's security and parks his car. The place is well organized, so finding his way to the main elevator at the building wasn't too difficult.

He heads onwards to the main desk, his dress shoes clicking on the marble floor.

There is a man with red, fox-like ears and small eyes sitting there. A sidekick, he assumes.

"Ah... You're the intern the boss mentioned. The elevator is to the right, down the hall. You'd best go see her first." The man said, his voice refined.

No time for introductions? Fair enough.

Mirko's office was on the 26th floor according to the man. The elevator takes its time getting there.

There's another receptionist right after walking into the room. She has no obvious quirk expressions outside of her body.

No wait, her eyes seemed to be slits.

Izuku stops staring since he did not wish to be rude.

"Midoriya Izuku, you're twenty minutes early." She says, clacking away on the keyboard.

"Though I suppose it's better than being late." He hears her mutter to herself.

"She'll see you now. Main office, walk right in." She says motioning towards the main office.

He nods and follows the directions given. After reaching the main office, he knocks.

"Come in." He hears a voice from the room.

He opens the door and enters.

Mirko puts a paper she's reading down and takes a good look at him.

She raises a questioning brow, "I thought I told you to come in hero gear? And where's your spear?" She asks, folding her arms.

He sighs, "The suit I'm wearing is bulletproof, the prosthetic I can get any time. And I only use my spear when there's multiple targets." He explains.

"A suit for a hero costume? I suppose it's fine." She says, in a voice that suggests that it isn't fine.

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