Ch.15 - Loss

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He was 15 now. Life was pretty much the same. Except now, he had another older friend. Midnight and him were on speaking terms since Aizawa's wedding. Well at least he had one friend of his age, better than nothing.

His tutelage under Shura of Onmoyodo was coming along finely. Shikigami worked on a pact. The agreement between the dead spirit and sorcerer. They're blank for the most part, but writing with certain formulae (Kanji) would cause certain effects. These effects cause any (n) number of shikigami to burn, depending on the magnitude of action directly.

His physique had improved miles beyond his old scrawny look. Standing at a height of 6 feet, lean muscle covering him like armor. The scars on his body had smoothed out, though they were still there. The scar running down his right eye gave him a fierce look.

Only one thing remained as the cause of his troubles. Isshin Ashina.

He still hadn't won. He had to be missing something. It couldn't be placed, the odd feeling in his chest, the foreboding sense that he was doomed to lose, eating away at hin each time he fought.

Besides that he was fine. School was fine, friends were- he had friends. Life was fine.

Maybe that's why when the phone call from a hospital 18 kilometers away asked him to identify a body, his world came crashing down.

On the train ride to Yaizu, thoughts of tragedy were the only things plaguing his mind. Her phone was switched off, and she was too far to be detected by Aura. He couldn't for the life his him lay still. Tapping his feet to quell the anxiety would have to do.

'Kid, you okay?' Spoke the deep voice of Shura.

'I don't know.'

And he really didn't. As Sekiro he didn't have to deal with grief. Perhaps the loss of a helpful soldier? Perhaps the pain of killing his practice mate?

His father never entered the equation. Yes he was present, yes he fed him, yes he clothed him. However, the very nature of being a Shinobi denied any bond between them. Save for the Iron Code that is. The code that swore the child to the parent. The code that he broke in two, for the sake of his Lord.

Sekiro never really had to deal with loss. Izuku didn't either. So every thought that entered his mind was foreign. Every thing that he was feeling felt unknown, in turn generating fear.

Shit. What if something happened to Miss Nemuri? Weren't they out on "patrol"?

Whatever the case may be, he needed answers, the hospitals would do for now. No point panicking now.

Catching a taxi onto the general Hospital, he tried calming his nerves, looking at news, nothing had come up. People would hear if the #6 went down. Former or not. Unless of course, the HPSC rats got involved. They'd withhold information until things "settled down".

The General Hospital was close to the station, getting there was fast enough. Heading on to the front desk, he hastily greeted the receptionist.

"Hello, I'm here for a Midoriya Inko?" He said.

"Oh, you must be Izuku Midoriya then. A doctor will escort you into the cold room." She said, pointing towards a woman.

Nodding at her, he gestured for her to lead the way. Taking the lift to the underground by a single floor, he made his way out. The Morgue was definitely cold.

The doctor opened the freezer and uncovered the body. The sight made him want to hurl.

'Looks like..... huh?'

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