Ch:20 - Another Senile Old Man?

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He's heading towards the station before-

"Young Man!" The elderly voice calls.

"All Might?" He's confused again.

'Didn't I tell him to come tommorow?'

"I AM HEre-" He coughed blood again as he deflated.

"Take it easy, Take it easy."

"What is your name, young man?" Small Might asked.

"Midoriya Izuku, pleasure meeting your acquaintance." He bowed.

"Likewise! My name is Yagi Toshinori. Call me that when I'm like this." He gestured to himself.

"Why are you here though?" He questioned.

All Might paused for a second as he searched for the words.

"Young man! The will you showed me has moved this old heart of mine. You showed me something I had long since forgotten." He said, voice carrying wisdom.

"Did I?" He tilts his head.

"You most certainly did! The heart of a hero! I've become old, my injuries are grave and over time this world had snuffed out my flame of ambition. For reminding me and reigniting this primordial fire I wish for you to Inherit my Quirk!" He said, raising his fist parallel.

"I- What?"

'Quirks can be transferred?! This changes everything! Does it work by configuring genomes? Does it simply alter DNA? The possibilities are endless! But the only place I've heard of quirks being transferred are...'

"What is your quirk All Might? It's been kept a secret all this time." He asked, wondering about the origin of the No.1.

"Its called One For All. It's like a sacred torch passed on generation to generation. I am the 8th holder of this quirk, and you Young Midoriya shall be the Ninth."

'Pretty old quirk, almost 200 years old too. Damn! Just like-'

"That's cool and all, but what is your quirk?" He asks again.

After a pause he explains, "It's a powerful energy stockpile quirk taken to the highest of degrees. Generations of strength are stored within it." All Might explains.

"Is it around 200 years old?" He asks, trying to connect the dots.

"Around that ballpark? Why do you ask?" Now All Might was confused.

'Energy stockpile to the highest degree..... Considering All Might's strength, and adding it to mine? I wonder if I can handle that... I probably can, Dragon's Blood will adjust.' He weighed out the ramifications if he accepted.

'And it's history to consider... The names are too similar to just ignore. It's likely related to the Boogeyman somehow.' In contrast, he thought of the ramifications if he didn't.

He sighed. All Might needed a successor. If he didn't accepted some other poor sod would be subjected to the insanity that was to follow. If someone was to be sacrificed, he'd prefer him.

He steeled his will. His gaze fortifies as he peers into All-Might's soul.

"I accept this responsibility, I will do whatever it takes in order to hold up to your expectations." He bowed.

Stunned by his sincerity All-Might laughed, "Very well Young Midoriya! I will do whatever in my powe-"

"But! The last train to the city is in 10 minutes. I really need to go visit them.  You'll have to excuse me. Come see me tommorow yeah?" He said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

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