Ch:17 - Closure?

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Hell. He was surely in hell.

As each day passed by so agonizingly slowly, those words were the only thing he could think about. Day by day the only things coursing through his brain were thoughts of his missing mother. Every day went by painfully slowly, each moment of uncertainty feeling like a dull ache in his heart.

He was afraid. The statistics on missing people over a long time usually weren't pretty. Hell, 24 hours go by and it's likely the person you're searching for is already dead. The news of (Synapse) being missing hadn't been made public yet. Courtesy of HPSC not wanting widespread panic. The searches were showing no results. No, that wasn't fair to the police.

Not much evidence was found at the scene of the attack. The only thing that was tied back to the league was the  Omega particle that the Warper emitted on usage of his quirk. The league had cared not to leave too much behind. As a result, the only effective method of finding them was waiting for them to show.

This left Izuku at a loss. There really wasn't much he could do, besides waiting for news on the league. However.... if he adopted a new identity as a vigilante.

Vigilantes were usually frowned upon. The cause being, most of them usually followed a selfish goal. Money, fame, a twisted sense of power. He'd probably receive a lot of backlash if he did and if he garnered too much attention the HSPC might send someone to... fix the problem.

The plus side would be the fact he could do a lot of things; finding his mother, tap into police radios, expand a search area on most recent sightings of the league. His overall reach in matters would definitely increase.

The information the police had was limited too. The only reason they could understand that the kidnapping of Inko was the league was because they were spotted on a street camera. And the aforementioned Omega particle of course. Midnight was still asleep.

It's only been 2 days since the incident and Izuku is struggling not to barge into wherever the hell their base is and kill them all. Really, his ire with the league is through the roof.

So, he comes to a decision with that thought. He'll need to prepare at the least.


Nezu had given Izuku a lot of freedom. The curfew set was 11 P.M. and his day only constituted 5 hours of study, 2 hours of personal work done at the dorm. Usually, he was free to do whatever from 2 P.M.

Sitting down on his desk, he gets to drawing up an oni mask and some standard clothes, he'd wear chainmail inside for protection. Alongside martial artist shoes and the original Shinobi prosthetic layout.

He'd need to go to the Hatsume's once again.

He packed the graphed papers and mechanical drawings into his bag, wrapped his Katana in a black cloth and smashed it over his back as he made his way to the gates. Punching his finger print marked him as exiting, he caught the first train that went into the main city.

As he walked to the familiar front porch of the Hatsume household he'd hoped he wouldn't have to explain himself. The forge outside of the main house was smoldering, its chimney, smoking. They're still in business then.

He worked up some courage, halting, for only a moment before he rang the doorbell.

"Who is it?" Spoke a feminine voice he didn't recognize.

'Shit. I didn't make an appointment.' A stupid mistake, very unlike Izuku.

"Ah. I'm Izuku Midoriya, I got my sword from Mr. Hatsume a few years ago, I was hoping to speak with him again? I know you guys don't accept walk ins, but it's really important that I see him." He said as he lifted his wrapped Katana.

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