Ch:37 - The Victorious One.

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Izuku is walking towards his side of the wing of the arena, when he senses an unsavoury presence just before the exit.

There is a burly man with his face on fire, that is standing in the hallway.

He sighs as he walks up towards the man.

Izuku eyes him up and down, "The fu*k do you want?"

The burly man clicks his tongue, "Still lack respect, brat?"

"Respect is earned, not given out." Izuku snaps back.

"I see your sharp tongue hasn't changed." The man says.

"I see your fragile ego hasn't changed." He quips.

The man begrudgingly accepts his loss in a battle of words.

The man seems to understand that Izuku is willing to hear him out, so he decides to get to the point.

"Your quirk, seems to be quite powerful." The man says.

"You haven't even seen it in use yet." Izuku says.

The man is clearly taken aback.

Izuku begins leaving.

"At least try to give Shoto a good match." The man scoffs.

Izuku releases an annoyed sigh, before turning around.

"You think it'll matter?" He asks,"Fire is taboo." He says, snapping his fingers.

The fire that burned on the man's face is put out.

"What the-" The man is surprised, unable to muster his moustache.

"It doesn't matter what your son tries, he will lose. Whether it be half or all he has." Izuku says, walking away.

The crowd cheers as Izuku steps into the arena.

Izuku drones out the announcer as he begins recapitulating Todoroki's battles.

The first move was always his strongest one, an imposing glacier summoned from his dominion over ice.

There was no reason for Todoroki to change his pattern. On the contrary, he was more likely to follow that pattern.

'Well, it's not like that's going to work.' He shrugs.

'I'll show him just how futile the use of ice will prove to be.'

"Both fighters, ready?" Midnight asks.

When no objections are made,


As predicted Shoto slams his right hand into the ground, instantly generating oversized spikes of ice that rapidly accelerate towards Izuku.

Izuku had already decided what to do, so he lets himself be engulfed by the freezing monstrosity.

The glacier peaks as it collides against him, surrounding him completely.

Everyone watching, including Shoto, is surprised at this.

Shoto squints his eyes, "Are you trying to pity me or something?" he spits out.

Izuku smirks, "No."

The eyepatch placed on his right eye burns off, his green eye glowing red.

The flames of hatred burn freely, surrounding him. They scream, a loud screech echoing along the stadium as the fire makes contact with the ice.

The imposing glacier is no more, only fire remained.

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