Ch:29 - Moment of Calamity.

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Midoriya Izuku's current bike was a beast, he enjoyed thoroughly the speed at he was splitting lanes.

This wasn't even the top speed. He couldn't wait for night to come. Going at unthinkable speeds on National Route 4 had quickly become home.

He spots the large bus gets right next to where he spots Shinsou, matching the speed of the bus.

He offers a two finger salute, deftly drops a gear and disappears ahead.

He parks his bike at the the entrance, takes off his helmet, replacing it with a shikigami. He didn't have his bag right now and was wearing his gear, no place to put his helmet.

He rests against his bike in wait for the bus and his five thousand.

They arrive 15 minutes later.

He gauges Shinsou's reaction, enjoying the look of annoyance and dread.

"Hand it over." Izuku says, rubbing his index finger against his thumb.

Shinsou though disgruntled, forks over the money.

"Never doing that again." Shinsou says putting his wallet away.

The class splits into their respective social circles to chat for a bit.

Izuku wonders where Yagi-sensei is.

"Attention! You're here at USJ, now follow me." Aizawa says, breaking up the chatter.

"Oh! Universal Studios Japan! I've always wanted to go there!" Kaminari says, ecstatic.

Yeah no.

"USJ stands for unforeseen simulation joint, to clear things up." Aizawa says as he walks up the stairs.

His disappointed tone unnerving Kaminari as he explained.

Under Aizawa's guidance, the class make their way inside the dome shaped building.

The large blue gate opens up. The class makes their way into the entrance central plaza.

There seems to be an astronaut waiting?

Wait, is that-

"Ohmygoditsnumberthirteen!" Uraraka yells vibrating with excitement.

Thirteen seems to ask Aizawa something, keeping the conversation private. Aizawa puts up 3 fingers, Thirteen lets out a defeated sigh.

That was definitely about All-Might then, he wasn't coming.

"Now, you students are here for one purpose, rescue training!" Thirteen details.

"Rescue training? Aren't we supposed to train our quirks?" Kaminari asks, validly considering they took hero training out.

"Now, you will be doing just that, however instead of using your quirks to harm, you'll be-" Thirteen drags on and on.

Izuku drones out whatever she's saying and pulls out his phone, ignoring Aizawa staring at him.

He begins texting All-Might.

->> You used up all your time?

->> Yes, my boy! Some debut heroes seemed to need help, and one after the other villains started attacking!

->> I won't be able to attend this lecture, I'm afraid.

->> I see.

He puts his phone away. Something about the air was odd.

He looks to Aizawa, nothing has happened yet since Thirteen is still speaking.

Why were his instincts telling him to gear up for a fight?

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