Ch.14 - Happy?

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The fight only got harder. As Isshin got closer and closer to death, the faster and stronger he got. Though it was a last stand, it was more than enough to keep Izuku on his toes, unable to find a way to break through his guard.

The Black Mortal Blade found asylum in Sekiro's chest, a familiar burn searing his insides.

"Hesitation is defeat, didn't I tell you that?" Isshin said as he walked away.

'Just how far do I need to go?'


School that day was alright, he'd gotten pretty close to Momo, so the days weren't as boring as before. Their talks about romance novels and the mundane stuff in life was pretty fun, considering the only thing Izuku got around to doing was fighting and studying.

Apparently, Momo was also a rich kid. Though she didn't show it, or speak it, it could be discerned from her actions. Covering her mouth with her handkerchief whenever they ate together, doing so again if she had to laugh in public, her tone, her proper use of formalities. All these things spoke wealth. Though none of that stopped her from being kind enough to feed stray kittens.

Her quirk was spectacular. Creation of matter, by converting her lipid stores. She wanted to become a hero, much like Izuku, instead of inheriting her mother's company. Surprisingly Madame Yaoyorozu had no qualms with this, opting to let her daughter do her thing.

He wondered how strong she was. If a villain was as strong as the one he fought in the alley, then a hero would surely need to be much stronger to protect civilians? Maybe he'd get to spar with an official hero sometime.

"So, how're your studies going, Midoriya-san?" Momo asked. Having already finished her lunch.

"Hmm? Just call me Izuku. I'm not good with that formal stuff, besides I call you Momo right?" He said, eating his chicken sandwich.

"Oh- Right, of course." Momo's cheeks felt hot.

"Jesus Christ, each time someone asks you to call their name, are you going to get shy? Come on give it a try." Izuku said.

"Izuku?" Momo tried it out.

"Oh~ No suffixes, my? Getting scandalous are we?" He teased.

"No! Its just-" Her face flushed a bright pink.

"Chill- I was just teasing you is all." He finished his sandwich.

She took a deep breath in to calm herself, "So you never told me about your quirk?" She then asked.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, I dont have one." He said flatly.

"Oh... I didn't- wait how do you do better than all of our classmates in everything? Physical, academical everything?"

"I'm just strong as shit, and I've been ahead of the portion by a lot of years."

"Oh, I see. Are you okay?" She let concern lace her voice.

"I'm fine, nobody's tried to mess with me yet, considering my size. I'm pretty tall and rigid of build, that keeps them away. Besides, I have you here." He winked.

"Stop teasing! I was being serious too!" She said, frowning.

"So was I though? I mean it, your presence these past few weeks alone has helped." His tone getting softer.

"Your ability to switch like that has me floored." she flushed.

"You're taking this a lot better than I thought." He said, wrapping up his bags, the penultimate physics class was about to start in a few.

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