Ch.8 - Labels

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Labels. There are many labels one can have in this world. In the category of age: new born — Elderly. In the category of school: From Failure to Prodigious.

These labels are toxic at worst and obsequious at best. However it was agreed upon that the worst label one could actually receive, was quirklessness.

It was grossly incorrect, however children were inherently cruel and moronic. They didn't quite understand the human body or gene makeups. So Izuku did the obvious thing and said he was quirkless – something that would prove to be an error.

Burn marks courtesy of the idiot savant Katsuki Bakugo. He doesn't understand. Izuku explained it, multiple times that his quirk would just take time, that people weren't objects. Katsuki had to have understood right?

Katsuki and Izuku had drifted apart, due to the death of Uncle Masaru. He died of stroke when they (Katsuki and Izuku) were 6. Since then Katsuki had become this animal for attention, a person who saw others as objects in his way.

This new school only aided his ways, praising him for his "heroic" quirk, looking away when he bullied someone, even if that someone was Izuku most of the time, there were people with "weak" quirks that Katsuki had taken to abusing.

Izuku learned after his 5th time in detention that week that fighting back was pointless. Katsuki and his lackeys were weak as shit, if they wouldn't make as good fight as Isshin, then it was pointless anyway.

The teachers looked the other way each time they hurt him, so he just avoided everything and everyone.

His mom started picking up on cues when she asked him about friends, granted he was never social, but instead of saying "They were loud and stupid." he had slipped up he said he "Didn't need any." instead of laughing like always, Inko had shown concern.

Then the brawls started out of the  school since they couldn't catch him in class, ever. Granted, he never lost said brawls, after all, compared to a sword dance with Genichiro these were mere children trying to throw their weight around.

No one used their quirks, not on camera anyway. Izuku made sure to manipulate the fights in a way they never injured his face, it served as good practice fighting quirked people, even if  they weren't really a challenge.

That mattered because Izuku usually worked out in a tank top, or shirtless. His mom was off work on a sunday and had walked into the home gym to ask what he wanted for dinner. It spiraled from there.

Time and time again, he reassured his mother, that she wasn't a bad mother and actually the best one he could've asked for, that it wasn't her fault, but it didn't help. The only thing Inko could see was the wound that was dressed pretty sloppily on his body.


They're both sitting on the dining table facing each other. Inko's checks having water stains from the tears, her eyes puffy, she had contemplated what to do, all that was left was asking Izuku.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Inko asked with her voice tearing.

"I-It was unnecessary, you're a teacher at a hero school, and you're about to reinstate into the hero program, no?" Izuku stated with guilt as he watched his mother fall apart.

"Izuku, my job doesn't matter, my title as a mother will always come first." Inko stated firmly.

"I.... that isn't what I meant. This was just children being morons. They didn't want to listen, just hurt me instead. Besides, not many wounds can truly hurt me, my pain tolerance isn't exactly normal."

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