Ch.7 - Mortal Blade

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As he walked into the cafe, that was newly opened, he was greeted by a jingle and the strong but smooth smell of hazelnut. The cafe was relatively empty, considering it was work hours and the afternoon.

He walked to the coffee bar. and sat beside an unassuming man.

"Aren't you a little young to be here?" Spoke a gruff and tired voice.

"There isn't an age limit here." Izuku replied as he turned to face the man. He had disheveled hair, a greyish-white bundled scarf around his neck, a scar under his right eye and extremely dark black circles to go with it.

"Shouldn't you be in school?"

"No. School was over 10 minutes ago. I live nearby so it's not a big deal. That uniform.... do you go to U.A High?" Asked Izuku with a curious glint in his eye.

"Yeah, you've got a good eye kid. What's your name?"

"Midoriya Izuku. Pleasure meeting a hero in training." Said Izuku offering his hand for a shake.

"Aizawa Shouta. What school do you go to?" Asked Aizawa shaking his hand.

"Musutafu Primary, It's 2 blocks from U.A"

"..... Do you have a gigantification quirk or something? Why do you have High School books?" Questioned Aizawa not believing a kid that's almost 5 feet is in elementary.

"No. And the syllabus for middle school was boring, so I figured might as well. My quirk is supposed to come late. The doctor I went to said it needed my body to grow more." Spoke Izuku.

"So you're a genius or something? You sure you don'thave an intelligence quirk?"

"That can't be determined yet. I'm only turning 6 this year. And yes I'm sure, the human body is more capable than you think. "

"Any plans for the future?"

"Well for now, becoming a hero is up there. I plan on majoring in Software Engineering and a minor in Organic Chemistry."

"A hero eh? You think you can do it? This path isn't for everyone."

"I'm certain I can, I do have various plans should my current one fails."

"That's good, most people rely on a singular outcome, not the beat idea." Said Aizawa.

'Man is this guy really a kid? He's more mature than I am as a teen!'

"What'll you and your son be having?" Asked a waiter with a smile.

"He's no-"

"Chamomile and a blueberry cheesecake." Izuku cut off Aizawa.

"..... Coffee, black, extra strong." Resigned Aizawa.

"Coming right up!"


"That was pretty good. I'll say a 9/10." Said Izuku finishing his tea.

"Having any trouble with those books?" Asked Aizawa, concerned that a could was reading on Chemical Kinetics.

"No. Thanks for asking though, don't you need to leave?"

"No? My classes end at 12 o clock, it's currently...... quarter to 2."

"It's that late already? Damn. I should head home." Izuku said whilst packing up his books.

"Stay safe kid."

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