Ch:24 - Extraordinary.

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Izuku crunches on a homemade pain-au-chocolat as he finishes his coffee.

He hears a ping on his phone and smiles when he sees the notification.

->>Good Luck on the entrance test!! I hope you pass ^_^

->>Thanks Momo, means a lot <3

He'd tied up his hair in a half ponytail. It'd gone white, due to the strain of repeated resseruction.

Mark of the dragon, the calling card of the Demon Wolf of Ashina. Fitting that it's back he supposed.

He put on his trusty eyepatch that he started wearing two years ago, a few kids he saved were scared of his scar.

It wasn't difficult at all to get used to, his senses were always off the chart.

He wears a compression shirt and simple grey sweatpants, with martial arts shoes for maximum mobility.

Was it cold? Yes. Did it affect him in any way? No.

Mastering the flames came with a few perks.

But did that mean he didn't like style? Also No. So he puts on a white jacket and a scarf.

He doesn't wait for a reply, grabs his key and another croissant and heads to the garage.

He rides onwards to UA, on a familiar road.

As he parks his bike in his signature and trademarked spot, he heads to the exam hall.

It's bustling as he gets there, he takes off his scarf and sits down next to some spikey blonde haired kid.

The lights dim. The bustling quiets down.

Present Mic is suddenly in the middle of the hall.

"EVERYBODY SAY YEAHHHHH!" The voice hero yells.

No one says anything.

"Tough crowd." Mic says to himself.

Mic begins explaining the structure of the test. A written test first, and a physical exam after. 3 hours for the written test. 3 hours for the practical.

'Makes sense considering the volume of the portion.'

Mic goes on about robots, ranging from 0-3 pointers, 0 being a simple obstacle.

He's stopped listening since everything is already in the pamphlet.

The written test starts once Mic is done speaking.

It's trivial, honestly he wasn't expecting much from a University test and he's glad.

If Nezu took to altering his question paper, he'd probably be struggling had that happened.

Thank god it didn't.

He finishes the test within the first hour and is already reviewed his paper 3 times over.

Sadly the proctor doesn't allow him to leave, saying the time remaining should be spent in the hall.

Oh well, he'll read a book at Shura's in the meanwhile.

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