Ch:44 - Stagnation is Death.

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The world shines white as Izuku wakes up. He recognizes the scenery around him. Two houses belonging to Shura and Kaina in the distance indicate he's in his subconscious.

Their houses are in the distance, Izuku has spawned in a clearing in the forest around a click away from their home.

He realizes he isn't in pain, at all. That shouldn't be the case. That normally was never the case.

He was in pain for quite a long time, even though his wounds were healed. Ample time has passed. He deduced.

He scans the surroundings briefl-

He sees Shura's countenance as he does so. 

Shura is not wearing his armour, and Izuku can gaze upon the Man. 

Even without the greaves, the man is tall. Standing at six feet, four. About an inch taller than Izuku. His hair is black and his eyes red. 

Though his muscles aren't all that visible in the black kimono he is wearing, his stature is evident in the width of his shoulders. His face is handsome, jaw angular and his eyes sharp.

Izuku is wearing his hero outfit. A bulletproof suit and boots.

Izuku chuckles, "Not wearing that armour?" he jokes.

The man scoffs, "Even I get tired of that."

Shura offers a hand, and Izuku grabs onto his wrist and gets up.

"There's a wider clearing deeper in. We'll talk there." Shura says.

Izuku nods, following Shura along the way. They do not exchange words along the way, the walk is relatively short.

Three minutes later, they reach a clearing. A lake graces Izuku's eyes as they do.

A shed and dock were sat near the lake.

There's a wooden table and three chairs, alongside a campfire near the the seating arrangement.

"Take a seat. I'll get some tea going."

The man walks into the shed to fetch a kettle. He sets it up atop the campfire.

"Where's Nana?" Izuku breaks the silence.

"Sleeping, I suppose," Shura answers coolly.

"Hrn." He grunts in response.

Shura finishes setting up the kettle over the flame. He then breaks a question.

"Why are you here?"

The man asks, taking his seat in front of Izuku.

Izuku pauses, putting his thoughts into words.

"Reality Imposition. I can't seem to grasp it. I don't even know why I'm this tired after just two of those."

His tone was bitter at his own weakness.

Shura let the question hang for a while.

"When you open up your reality, what do you think about?" The man asked.

"Ashina. Burning."

The memories of another. Went unsaid.

"That is precisely it. It's borrowed- the technique is incomplete." He said, his voice that of a teacher. "That reality isn't a representation of yourself, hence it is weak and taxing." He explained.

"Representation of myself?" Izuku asks.

Shura stares at him for a moment. Then sighs, seemingly disappointed Izuku couldn't see what he saw.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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