Chapter One ~The Mystery Man~

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Today is my 18th birthday. My two best friends, Minako and Alicia, told me we should go to a club to celebrate. I tried to disagree with them because why go to a loud noise filled club when we could just stay home and get drunk? They insisted we go, so we are all getting ready. Im wearing a black lacy crop top and a tight black skirt, I chose to wear black heels. Minako decided to wear a tight black dress with pink sparkles and pink heels. Ali is wearing a tight black dress with black heels. "come on guys the uber is here" I hear Minako scream from the other room. Pulling up to the club you can see a line out of the door, "this is a terrible idea you guys." I explain to my two friends. "Oh come on Lay dont be a pussy" Alicia jokes, I roll my eyes and we all step out of the car and find our place in line.
After an hour we finally make it in the club, "Im getting a drink" I tell both of them and they tell me they are gonna run to the bathroom, I just nodded and walked to the bar. "ill have a margarita please" the bar tender shook his head and made me my drink. I was sitting at the bar sipping on my drink watching my friends dance when this guy comes up behind me and grabs my waist, "Hi pretty what is a girl like you doing sitting here alone?" he says in my ear. "excuse me?" I say whipping my head around. "you heard me" He says looking me up and I down. I slapped him, grabbed my drink and walked up to my friends. "There are so many creepy guys here I hate it" I screamed over the music. "Agreed, lets go sit at that table. Hopefully it will be a little more quiet." Ali said pointing to a table in the back corner of the club. We all walked over and sat down. Minako and Ali were both very drunk. It's been 10 minutes since we first sat down, we have just been talking and having fun. "You guys see that guy staring at us?" Across the club there was a group of two guys sitting and looking at us. One had black cornrows and was wearing baggy jeans and a t shirt. The other one had black dreads with a few white ones mixed throughout. "Lay we are gonna run to the bathroom can you watch the stuff and make sure those creeps don't slip something in them?" "of course " I said cheerful as they walked off. As I finished my drink I started to feel really dizzy and tired, I needed to find my friends. That creepy asshole must've slipped something in my drink. I walked into the club bathroom barley being able to see. "Mina Ali are you guys there? Hello?" I called out. No response. I walked around the bathroom in a daze opening all the stall doors. As I turned around I bumped into a hard chest, it was then when I looked up and saw him. It was the guy from across the club, the one with corn rows. "They aren't in here Layla" He spoke in a very low and confident voice along with a thick german accent. "Who are you?" I tried to ask slurring the drug must've taken affect on my words. I was trying to stay awake but I couldn't and with that everything went black.I couldn't see hear or feel anything all I could do was pray as my mind paced soon I lost full consciousness.

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