Chapter Nine ~ The party~

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Eating disorder

"Layla my love wake up." I heard a soft voice whisper in my ear. In a sleep daze I cuddled up into the chest of whoever I was laying with until I looked up and saw it was Tom. I sprung away as fast as I could almost falling off the bed.

"No its okay Im not gonna hurt you" He said grabbing my elbow avoiding my sliced up wrist.
"I had the nurse fix you some food while you were out, you need to eat. Do you want to eat up here or downstairs.

"Uhh downstairs?" I said. I knew Toms nice act was just that an act but I don't know. Its hard not to take comfort in somebody who is being really nice to you. Tom picked me up and carried me downstairs. Setting me down in one of the chairs at the counter. Sitting in-front of me was some cut up strawberries, a cut up kiwi, and a cut up banana along with some buttered toast.

"We figured since you haven't eaten in about 5 days you should take your first meal light so you don't get sick." I nodded my head and tried to take a bite.

"Tom I don't know if I can do it." I said looking at the food and feeling the nausea swirl around in my stomach.

"Its okay my love just try" Tom is being so nice its so scary. He could snap at any minute. I picked up the fork and ate a strawberry. I was fine so i continued to eat the fruit.

Pointing to the two pieces of toasted bread sitting in front of me, "I cant do it Tom I'll throw up." I said in a defeated tone.

"Thats okay, you ate something and Im proud of you." He said picking me up again, this time holding me in a hug. Fuck I really don't want to take any support from him, but its hard not to when the last couple days has been so stressful. Taking me over to the couch we laid together and he put on a movie.

I looked down and saw how cut up my arm was. Tears started to form in my eyes. I can't believe I would do that to myself. Tom noticed and looked down at me "Whats wrong baby girl why are you crying?"

"Im sorry Tom I don't know what I was doing." It turned into a full sob. Tom held me in his arms and let me cry.

"Layla we have an event to attend to tonight, how about I take you out and we go shopping for a new dress and shoes for you?"

"Can we?" I said looking up at him.

"Yeah of course so get ready!" I went up to Toms room and got dressed. I put on a tight black shirt and some boot cut jeans. I walked downstairs and met Tom in the car. "You ready?" he asked me, I nodded my head and we pulled out of the garage and speed down the street.

A few hours later we pulled back into the garage and I asked Tom, "Can I go show  Minako and Ali my dress?"

"Yes you can" He replied cheerfully. I got out of the car and ran to find my friends. I knocked on Bills door and he answered. 

"Oh hey Layla! Whats up?"

"Is Minako in there? Tom took me shopping for the event tonight and I wanted to show her what i got!"

"Yeah her and Ali are getting ready in my bathroom! Come in" He held open the door and pointed to his bathroom.

"Hey girls" I said to them. They were leaning over the skin doing their makeup in the mirror.

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