Chapter Four ~Please, No!~

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The race was at 1 Am on the Shuto expressway. It was 6 PM so I had time.

I hadn't seen Tom in a while so I went to go find him. I walked up to his office door and knocked, "yeah?" He asked from inside "can I come in?" I ask in a voice barley audible, "yeah of course come on in baby"

I walked in and saw Tom at a desk. "come sit my love" Tom said patting his leg. "do I have to" I said in an even smaller voice than the first time. Tom stood up and walked over to me, "no baby girl you don't." He pulled me in for a hug, his arms wrapped around my waist. His smell running  through my veins like heroin. I let myself melt in his touch. We stood there like that for five minutes, I just listened to his heart beat. I didn't want to take comfort in Tom but I felt so alone it felt nice.

I heard the door squeak open when I turned to see who it was I saw Ituski standing in the doorway. Tom let go of me and pushed me to the side. "Du verdammte Fotze, I told you to fuck off!" Tom screamed in her face. I had crawled into a corner again covering my ears with my head in my knees.

Tom stormed over to me and pulled me up by my throat. He dragged me and Itsuki all the way up to his room. He threw her on the floor and me on his bed. I crawled into the top right corner, as far away from Tom as possible. Tom stood over Itsuki and beat her until she passed out.

Tom walked over to me and dragged me to the middle of the bed, and got on top of me. I closed my eyes scared to see what was about to happen. "Open your fucking eyes Layla, I wanna see the pain turn to pleasure in your eyes as I fuck the innocents out of you"

"Tom no please get off of me!" I begged him, pleading for him to let me keep my virginity. I squirmed under him trying to push him off of me.

Tom kissed me, but I didnt kiss him back. He slowly started kissing down my neck and onto my collar bones, lifting up my shirt and leaving dark colored hickeys all over my tits.

"Tom please stop! Im sorry Tom please!" I begged him as tears were streaming down my face. Tom stopped and looked at me in my eyes. "Let this be a warning Layla." He said as he raised his hand and slapped me across my face.
Tom got up and dragged Ituski out of the room. I pulled down my shirt and climbed off the bed. I crawled into the corner farthest away from his bed and the door.

I fell asleep for four hours. The time was now 11 Pm and I had two more hours until the race started. I didn't want to move, I felt tired and upset as all the memories from a couple hours ago flooded back into my mind. "Hi Lay" I heard a familiar voice come from his bed.

I had noticed two things about Tom by now. He had two sides really nice, or really mean. Its hard to know which side your going to get. I poked my head up slightly and saw him looking down at me.

"We have two hours until the race baby girl" He said walking over to me, and placing an outfit by my feet. "Minako helped me pick that out for you. She picked those heals over there." He said pointing to a pair of YSL heels. I just shook my head and laid back down. I don't know how I should feel about what happened earlier but im not ready to think about it, so I don't.

I went into the bathroom with the clothes Tom had handed me and put it on. I was wearing a small Black dress with those YSL heels. I walked out to Tom looking me up and down. His gaze made me nervous, the thought Toms eyes were scanning over every inch of my body made me a little hot inside. I shook that thought out of my head and cursed myself for even thinking of something like that. He is a monster.

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