Chapter Twenty One ~Taken~

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He dragged me through the hallways and stopped once we got in front of Bills room. Throwing me on the floor he pushed his door open aggressively.

I knew that I couldn't show Tom I was scared because that would only encourage his crazy ass behavior. I sat up and looked at the door waiting to see Bills worried face.

Tom pulled me up and wrapped one of his arms around my arms, using the other to point the knife at my throat.

"What the fuck!?" I heard Mina and Ali running up the stairs behind me.

"Im fine, Toms a pussy he wont do shit" I rolled my eyes and tried to relax my body.

"Layla you need to watch it." I heard Bills voice come from the room, "Let me talk with him."

"Tom I didn't mean you had to kill her," Bill steadied his voice, "I meant just be careful."

Tom shoved the blade so it was drawling blood. A small squeak escaped my mouth which I cursed at myself for.

"Do it Tom I fucking dare you. I would rather be dead than sit and rot with you."

In one quick motion Tom removed the knife from my neck and stabbed it into my stomach.

He threw me on to the floor and spoke with the coldest tone he has ever spoken to me in. "start listening to me Layla, it would help you a lot." He steeped over my bleeding body and strolled down the stairs to his car.

I looked down at my stomach and saw the blood pouring out. Everything was blurring and my ears started to ring.

"Lay? Lay??" Minako screamed from above me.
"Tom what the fuck did you do?!" Was the last thing I heard before passing out from the pain.

Waking up in an empty hospital room was probably the worst thing that could have happened. Why was I alone? Did Tom really not care that he stabbed me?

The time slowly ticked by and I just sat there swallowed by my thoughts. I knew Tom was a bad person but I didn't think he would actually stab me let alone not care. Im not even sure how long I sat before reality actually set in and I wanted to know where everyone was. I felt around the bed and pushed the nurse call button.

It only took a short couple of minutes for the nurse to come in and see what I needed.

"Hi miss Moore! Good to see you're awake, whats up?" Judging by the fact she didn't seem panicked or surprised at all so that told me I hadn't been out long and was probably doing well.

"Uhh nothing just want to know maybe where I am who brought me if they are still here, am I dying. Only the basics." I said with a little sarcasm but mostly humor.

"You're at Tokyo Medical University Hospital. As for the rest of your questions two men and three girls dropped you off, only one has been back since once to check on you. And no you're not dying but may I ask what happened?"

"Tom Kaulitz." I replied with a cold voice and a blank face. The women's face turned a pale white and she just shook her head like she knew what I meant. She checked my vitals quickly and left as fast as possible.

I didn't know what do to now. Only one of them had come to check up on me. Had they lost hope? I started to tear up but hey at least I got away from Tom. I realized I had left Mina and Ali all alone with those terrible men and started to feel horrible. I was away but who knows where they are or if they are even okay.

I rolled over and just cried. I cried until my head hurt and I couldn't breathe. Eventually after sometime I had just cried myself to sleep.

Waking up I felt somebody shaking me awake by my shoulder.

"what?" I rolled over the light stinging my eyes.
Standing over me was a tall muscular man. My body instantly tensed but relaxed when I realized it wasn't Tom or any other members of the gang. I pushed myself up and studied the man. He was pretty tall and a few tattoos. His eyes were a pretty green and he had dark black hair.

"Who are you?" I questioned because he was clearly not a doctor or nurse.

"Sorry to startle you Im Jaydon Lee. Im friend's with Tom, he sent me to get you." He spoke with such grace.

"Ohh. Well you know I don't totally believe you, but I'll go with it." I pushed myself out of the bed but immediately collapsed due to the pain in my stomach. Oh yeah Tom stabbed me.

"Whoa there princess don't hurt yourself." Jaydon spoke. I paused for a minute making sure I heard him correctly. I felt my face heat up and the rose color gather in my cheeks. Why was I blushing I just met this man.

"I don't think I can walk." I said shy.

"Lay down Ill go grab your clothes that were dropped off for you and then we can head out." He walked away but I didn't know clothes had been dropped off for me the nurse hadn't said anything.

A few minutes later Jaydon walked in holding some nicely folded clothes before helping me put them on. Jaydon picked me up bridal style and carried me through the hospital and out to a car. A very nice car but not nicer than Toms.

He set me down in the seat before hoping into the drivers side and wasting no time pulling away onto the open road.

"Here drink some water you look a little pale." Jaydon handed me a water and I took a few sips.

He turned on the radio and I just relaxed. I started to notice my body getting tingly and knew what happened.

"What was in this water? I asked slurring my words.

"Im sorry baby girl bosses orders." Jaydon pulled over to the side of the road and pulled me into the backseat. He must have drugged it with something special. I couldn't move but I was fully awake, yet unable to speak.

Jaydon pulling off my clothes so I laid under him naked not being able to fight back. He pulled down his pants and slid into my wasting no time. I couldn't scream or move all I could do was let the tears fall from my eyes.

Jaydon pulled out his phone and took a video while he continued to violate me. He pressed record and grabbed on to my tits making sure to get a good angle.

"Smile for Tom." Jaydon said amused.

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