Chapter Six ~Fun~

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"So what were you and Minako talking about?" Tom questioned me once we got into the car.

"Nothing just catching up, we barely see each other". I replied in a kind of rude tone. Im annoyed at him for never letting me see my friends. He doesn't have the right to do that, he dose not even have the right to keep me here.

"Don't speak to me that way" He warned me. I just rolled my eyes. Im so sick of him thinking he can treat me however he wants. Im not his pet.

We pulled up to the house. "I have to go do work with Bill Gustav and Georg but we should be back by 1 am."

"Okay" I got out of the car and walked up to the house. Im so happy I finally got freedom from Tom. I can finally hangout with my girls, I miss them so much. I walked into Toms room and changed into a small pair of shorts and a tight shirt. I heard the four cars pulle off and finally knew my coast was clear to see my friends. First i made my way to Georgs room. I missed Ali so much and I want to know what Georg told her about tom. I walked down the stairs into Georgs room. His room was off the stairs and to the right.

"Ali?" I said knocking on the door. Immediately the door swung open and Ali tackled me in a hug. "Layla oh my god I have missed you so much I tried to go over and talk when you and Minako were chatting at the race but Georg wouldn't let me." 

"I missed you too" I said hugging her back "at the race when I was talking to Mina she said Georg told you some stuff about tom and I wanted to hear it, and I wanna know what Georg is like." 

"yeah I'll tell you, lets go to the kitchen. Georg doesn't like people in his room." She walked to the kitchen and I followed.

sitting down at the table Ali started to explain what Georg had told her about Tom, "He told me that Tom can get very aggressive if you don't listen to him. He told me that the last bumper Tom had, he killed her for talking back too much. Im scared for you Layla I don't want anything bad to happen. Georg also told me that it got so bad for one of the girls she committed suicide. You have to make a promise to me Layla. You cant do the same she did."

Tears started to swell up in my eyes, "I promise I wouldn't leave you guys here." I pulled Ali into another big hug. Pulling away I giggled a little bit and said, "So now you have to tell me what Georg is like."

"He's very sweet actually, he has his moments but usually he is sweet. He told me that none of them are like Tom, they have to act like they are around him. They are all scared of him. Sometimes if I don't listen he will hit me but thats very rare."

"Thats good I don't want him to hurt you a lot. I need to relax from all this craziness, what do you say we see if theres any alcohol in here and get Minako?"

"Yes that sounds like an amazing idea!" We got up and looked around opening all the cabinets.

"Yaya I found some! I'll go get Mina!" I said setting the class bottle down on the counter and running upstairs. "MINAKO COME TO THE KITCHEN!" I said banging on the door. The door opened and Minako ran after me.

"Whats up girls?" Mina asked.

I just giggled and pointed to the three shot glasses and the bottle of Vodka sitting on the counter. She squealed and ran over to me. I poured up all shots and we downed them.

6 shots later I decided I wanted to go swimming. I was oblivious to time and didnt notice it was 12:50 and Tom would be home in 10 minutes.

"Okay girls two more shots then pool time?" They both agreed happily and we took two more shoots. We all went to our room and put on our bathing suits. I grabbed a towel and ran downstairs.

"Guys I think I have an even better idea!"

"What is it Layla?" Minako questioned

"The beach is like a block down, we should just sneak out and go there!" This was the worst idea I have ever had. None of us could really even walk but we decided to anyways. Slipping on my flip-flops we started to walk to the beach. It was a nice summer night, so it wasn't really cold. We made it to the beach and there was one person sitting by the water. Us being very drunk walked straight up to him.

"Hi, why are you here its late?" I said sitting down next to him.

"Whoa hey there you scared me. I just love the beach its calming here. And how drunk are you?" He said laughing slightly

"Ehh pretty drunk" I replied giggling back. "Im Layla and those are my friends Minako and Alicia." I said pointing to my two friends who had already jumped into the water.

"Well Layla Im Kamakito! Its nice to meet you. What in the world is a beautiful girl like you doing out at this time of night, its dangerous."

"I just wanted to escape for a little bit, life is crazy right now. Thank you Kamakito your really hot." I said the alcohol affecting my speech.

"Thank you Layla." he said laughing. I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine. Before I knew it I was sitting in his lap and we were making out. I slowly started to grind my hips back and fourth causing him to let out small groans in my mouth. I didn't know why I was doing this, Im a virgin and I didn't wanna lose
it to some guy on a beach.

"LAYLA!" I heard Minako scream The next thing I know I was pushed off os Kamakito.

"Layla what the fuck are you doing?" I looked up and saw tom standing over me. Tom pulled out his gun and shot Kamakito right in front of me.

I was stunned I had never seen anybody die before and I didn't know what to do. I had sobered up and bit from the craziness that just unfolded in front of me. Tom picked me up by my hair so I was facing him.

"Your so fucked." Tom said. Nothing but pure crazy in his eyes. He dragged me to the car.

"ow Tom stop your hurting me!" I screamed clawing at his hand that was now holding onto my throat. He threw me into the car and slammed the door. I was so scared. Tom Kaulitz its going to kill me.

Getting into the drivers side Tom sped down the street at top speed.

"Tom Im sorry please slow down!" I cried out terrified he was going to crash and kill us both. Tom just ignored me picking up more speed by the second. We pulled up to the house and Tom pulled me out of the car and threw me over his shoulder.

I was screaming and crying, clawing at Toms back. We got to his room and he threw me on the floor. I screamed in pain.

"Since you cant seem to remember who you belong to ill just have to make sure you wont forget." He said walking over to me with a knife. I tried to back away from him but hit a wall. Tom grabbed my wrist and forced it against the wall.

"Tom no Im sorry please stop I wont do it again please Tom!" I begged him trying to get him to stop. He dragged the knife down my arm, splitting my skin into a T shape. I screamed as loud as I could, hoping somebody would stop him.

"ow fuck Tom please stop im sorry stop please!" I pleaded. He pushed down harder drawing a K shape next to the T. Blood was running down my arm dripping to the floor.

"There now everyone will know who you belong to." Tom said admiring his work.

I could hear Laylas screams as if I was sitting next to her. I felt terrible we should have a stopped her from kissing that guy. I sat on the counter with Minako Bill and Georg. We started talking trying to drown out Laylas screams.

"How did you guys even find us" Minako spoke up.

"Well you had your phones on you and we got home and saw the empty bottle of vodka sitting on the table and you guys no where to be seen so we checked your location."

"Oh I feel terrible I really hope Tom doesn't Kill layla" I said tears falling from my eyes. Georg walked over and wrapped his arms around me.

"She will be okay my love" I know he didn't know that was the truth, but I know we all hoped it was.

A/N make sure yo vote if you enjoyed and comment what you want to happen next!

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