Chapter Thirteen ~Revenge Part Two~

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I was sitting in the warehouse waiting for Ivan to get here.

"Why were you so nice to him?" I questioned the woman sitting in front of me. She was a mess, her blond hair was all tangled and her makeup smudged and running down her face.

"So he would come save me." She said in a low monotone voice. She had stopped trying to fight me a few hours ago. I heard a car pulling up behind me and knew it was time. I pulled out my gun and shot her in the stomach. She and her child were going to die. I got up and stood behind her.

I fucked up and I fucked up bad. I had messed with Layla, but I didn't think Tom would care. I took the video Tom sent me to the police, but they didn't do anything.

I pulled up to the warehouse house and grabbed my gun with a shaky hand. I jumped at the sound of a gun shot and knew I had to face my fears and go in there. I ran inside and was horrified at the scene in front of me.

It had been three days and Tom hadn't been home. I got bad from the hospital two days ago. I sat on the couch and flipped on the tv.

"Shit! Minako Bill Ali get in here now!" We all sat and watched the tv in disbelief .

"Tonight a horrific seen was found. At a warehouse in Osaka, A local gang member, Ivan Lebeve, was found dead. Police believe it to be a suicide, although it might involve gang activity as his wife and family were all there too." I switched off the tv having heard enough.

"Layla?" Minako said, "Was that him?" I just shook my head not being able to speak. Tom killed him because of me. I felt sick at the thought. Second later Toms car pulled into our living room.

"Layla upstairs now!" He barked at me. There was no way I was letting him come anywhere near me. He was a killer. I didn't respond I just sat there.

"I wasn't fucking asking you!" He walked over and grabbed me by my arm and pulled me off the couch. I hit the floor and yelped from the pain.

"Don't touch me you pig!" I screamed standing up backing away from him. I backer myself up against a wall. Tom slowly made his way to me, pure anger and craze in his eyes.

"What did you just say?" His voice was calm and confident.

"I said, Don't touch me you pig!" I said through gritted teeth. He got up real close to me and whispered in my ears, "Nobody talks to me like that." He wrapped his hand around my throat and squeezed. I scratched at his hand trying to get it off of me.

"Get off me!" I managed gasping for breath. His grip only tightened around my neck. I started to see stars, the room got darker and darker until he let go of me. I dropped to the floor gasping, grabbing my throat. Tom grabbed my arm and pulled me.

"Tom stop!!" Ali screamed behind me. Tom dragged me up the stairs and everyone ran behind us. Mina and Ali still screaming at Tom. He threw me in his room and slammed the door. Tom threw me in his bed and got on top of me.

"I wont stop this time." He said kissing my jaw line. I was stunned I didn't know what to do. Tom was going to rape me.

"Tom stop it!!" Minako pounded at the door.

"Minako if you don't shut up your next!" Tom yelled out as he started to play with my clit, not waisting any time. I threw my head back my body becoming overwhelmed by pleasure. My mind cleared and I realized what was happening. I tried to push Tom off of me. He kissed up and down my body, all over my neck and inner thighs.

Tom shoved his fingers in me and quickly started sliding them in and out.

"Tom no please Tom stop!" I begged him tears streaming down my face. He got on top of me and pulled down his boxers. I was frozen in shock and fear. Tom slid his dick inside of me.

"No please no!" I screamed through my cry's, begging him to stop.

"Fuck Layla you're so fucking tight." Tom pushed his dick in me even farther. I clawed at his arms trying to get him off of me. His movements slowed down until he came inside me, no protection.

"You did amazing for me" Tom said getting off of me, putting back on his boxers and sweatpants.

"Get the fuck away from me you cunt fuck!" I screamed as loud as I could, cry's still riddling my voice.

"Don't speak to me like that. Unless you want me to rape that little pussy again?" He raised his eyebrow at me, with a twisted smirk on his face.

"Fuck you!" Tom rolled his eyes and walked out of the room sliding on his shirt. I laid in his bed, clutching the sheets around my body. I cried for a couple hours as the reality set in. 

Tom Kaulitz stole my innocents from me and there was no way I could possibly get it back.

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