Chapter Two ~There are rules and they will be followed ~

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When I woke up It was dark. I couldn't see where I was or who I was with. I realized I had a blindfold on. I pushed it off of my eyes and saw I was on a plane, but not a normal plane, I woke up on a private jet. I started to freak out I had no idea how I got here and I have no idea where my friends are. I stood up and started to explore. On the front of the plane there was two rooms, those two looked to be the biggest. In the back there were two rooms, both still looked very big but slightly smaller than the ones in the front. I didn't know what to do so I just went to one of the doors in the front and knocked. I heard heavy foot steps then the door handle clicked, when the door opened I saw the guy from the bar, the one with the black cornrows. I looked behind him and saw a girl lying in his bed.

"Oh Layla, your awake!" The man said in his thick german accent.
"Uhm yeah, who are you? and why the fuck am I on a plane? And where are my friends?"
"They are in the back room with the other guys."
Suddenly he turned to the girl and yelled, "ITSUKI GET THE FUCK UP"
Itsuki got up and walked out of his room, going to lay on the couch.

"Why did you just do that she was fine" The man pulled me into his room and shut the door.
"because I felt like it, now I think its time I introduce myself. My name is Tom Kaulitz. I'll introduce the other guys later."
"Uhm okay? Why the fuck am i on a private jet with you?"
"You'll be living with me in Tokyo Japan."
"The fuck I will take me home!"
"No, there are rules and they will be followed. One don't lie I don't like liars. Two don't disobey me. Three you don't look at or touch other men now. Four you listen to me or the other gang members thats it and the last and most important five do not disrespect me."
"okay im not your pet, I wont be doing any of that take me home now." when I said this I got in his face. A stinging sensation ripped through my cheek as I realized what just happened, Tom just slapped me. I was frozen in shock and fear. "Don't talk back to me Layla I don't like it when people talk back to me." I just nodded not wanting to piss him off more, scared of what would happen if I did. A knock sounded at the door and I heard a man say in a german accent, the same as Toms. "Yes what is it?" "We landed" Tom open the door and I saw a tall thin man standing there. It was the other guy I had seen at the bar, the one with the dreads. I followed tom outside the plane. We walked up to four cars. They must have been the nicest cars I have ever seen. One was a slick black  the second a white the third a red and the fourth a deep blue. Tom and I walked up to the black one, he open the door for me waiting for me to step in. I sat down in the nice car taking in all of my surroundings. Tom walked over to the three other guys and started chatting with them, I hadn't seen my friends so I just hoped they were in the other cars. The longer I sat the more this situation sunk in, the more I thought about what Tom had said to me. I had to follow rules? And he said something about a gang? Why haven't I seen Minako or Alicia? Before I could ask anymore questions I heard the drives side door open and then slam shut. I didn't look at him thought I just looked out the window. "We are gonna go to the house now." I just ignored him and looked out the window. "Look at me when I speak to you" He said sounding more annoyed when I again, didn't respond. Tom harshly grabbed my chin and turned my head so my eyes matched his threatening gaze. "I said look at me when I fucking talk to you." His voice was low and calm. I just nodded my head and looked into my lap. Tom chuckled and turned on his engine with a roar. We pulled out and started racing down the street. "Whoa Tom slow down your going to get us pulled over or even worse killed!!" I said with panic in my voice. Tom just chuckled at my response to his reckless driving. "Im not fucking joking slow down asshole!!" Tom pressed down on the gas even harder. "Oh baby you have so much to learn." I leaned over and look at the speedometer, we were going 160 Mph. I looked out the windshield and noticed all the cars pulling over for Tom, I even saw a police car pull over for HIM. Its supposed to be the other way around. We drove up a long winding dirt road, pulling up to this fancy fence where tom pushed a button on his keys and the gates glided open. After driving up the long driveway we arrived at a beautiful house. This house was huge, It was a mansion. I looked at it in awe, I had never seen a house this big in person before only on tv. I heard tom chuckle and say, "Welcome home baby" Why does he keep calling me that this is so weird and gross. Walking inside the house there was a living area and behind that was a beautiful staircase. "Ill give you a tour after we eat. Follow me this way to the kitchen." I followed closely behind Tom to the dining room where I saw the three other guys along with Minako and Alicia. I saw there eyes Light up when they saw me walk in. Minako leaned in and whispered something to the guy with dreads, he nodded his head and she ran over to me. Ali did the same thing but she whispered to a muscular guy with medium length brown hair. He nodded and she also ran over to me. "Mina, Ali I missed you guys so much!" I took them both in in a giant hug. "We missed you too lay!" Ali said cheerfully. There was one seat at the table next to Tom so I took my seat. I wasnt very hungry so I didnt even try to take a bite. "Okay so Layla, Minako, and Alica I will introduce you to everyone now and explain what's happening. I am Tom kaulitz and that is my twins brother, Bill Kaulitz," He said pointing to the man with dreads. "That is Georg Listing," He said pointing to the man with medium length brown hair.  "And that over there is Gustav Schäfer," He said pointing to a man with a buzzed hair cut and glasses. "We are the most powerful gang here in Toyko. We race cars and do whatever we want really. And to explain whats going on. We wanted you girls to be our Bumpers so here you are." After that I zoned out. This cant be happening to me, I read stories like this but I didnt know it could happen in real life.

A/N: Damn long ass chapter anyways shout out to whatever book i stole the name bumpers from.

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