Chapter Eighteen ~The Dinner~

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Tom looked terrible. He looked like he didn't even know what the word sleep meant and he had blood on him, I didn't even want to know who's. 

"Hey baby" Tom spoke with love in his voice although it only made me sick to my stomach.

"Don't call me that" I said in a calm voice, scooting away from him. He just rolled his eyes and flipped on the tv. I was surprised he didn't scream at me or hit me but I assumed he was tired from the person he had killed before coming here, or that he was coming down from a high and was tired. Either way I didn't mind.

Some time later I realized Tom had fallen asleep. I was happy about this for multiple reasons. I could go upstairs and he needed sleep.

I slowly crept up the stairs making sure to avoid squeaky parts of the floor. I missed Minako dearly. Knocking lightly on Bills door I whispered, "Mina! Mina are you in there?" The door opened and there stood Minako.

"Whats up lay?" She spoke in a normal voice.

"Shhh!! He's sleeping!" She nodded her head and let me come in. 

"Whats up?"

"Nothing I just didn't want to be around him."

"That makes sense. Bill and I were thinking we should all go out to dinner tonight. He needs to talk to Tom about the races. Since they haven't been to one in a while people are starting to think they are a pussies or something im not really sure"

"Ohh yeah I suppose that makes sense. How did we even get here Minako? Remember when the three of us girls were just that, three girls. I miss it so much."

"Ugh baby I know me too" We were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in" Bill said from behind us. I almost forgot he was here, he just sits at his desk on his computer.

The maid walked in the room holding two plates of food on a tray.

"für Layla und Minako"

"Setze es" Bill said motioning to the space on the bed in front of us. She never spoke to any of us girls. I have never heard her speak english so I always assumed she didn't know any, or she wasn't allowed to speak with us.

For the next while me and Mina just sat and ate our food, chatting and having a good time. Times like these were the only reasons I stayed alive now.

Unfortunately the time flew by and the next thing I know we have to go to dinner. I started to notice some stomach pains but figured it was just my body adjusting to eating food again.

Minako and I invited Ali and Ray into Bills room to get ready for dinner with us. I let them pick put my outfit so I was wearing a short black dress with black tights and a pair of black heels. I didn't mine this outfit, it was actually cute.

Getting out of the car with Tom means a lot of head turns and lot of stares, especially since we were at a fancy place. I started to notice not a single one looked at Tom or any of the boys. Only Me Ali Ray or Mina.

As the dinner went on Tom spoke with the others on the races and stuff. They spoke in german so I only caught a few words here and there. I chatted with the girls and tried to ignore all the men staring at us. The pains in my stomach started to grow stronger and stronger becoming more painful by the hour.

"Tom my stomach hurts really bad"

"your fine Layla" Tom rolled his eyes and went back to his conversation. He's such a bitch sometimes.

"Minako come to the bathroom with me" I said to her she nodded and we got up snd walked over. I sat down and realized there was blood in my underwear snd lots of it. I knew it couldn't be my period since I was literally pregnant. Tears immediately started to fill my eyes.

"Mina" I said my voice breaking, "My baby is dead."

N/A- Sorry short chapter lmk what you want to happen next! xoxo :D

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