Chapter Fourteen ~E~

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"Lay? Lay baby wake up."

The sound of Rayas sweet voice woke me up.

"hm?" I fluttered open my eyes but not turning to see her. I didn't want anybody to see me. I felt dirty.

"Wanna come on a drive with Gustav and I?" She questioned me.

"No im okay im just a little sleepy, I think I'll stay here this time." I said closing my eyes again.

"Okay well if you change your mind you know where to find us." I loved Raya. Her voice was sweet and caring. She had this sharpness to her voice, lowly dulled by the best kind of innocences. She was gorgeous too. Her hair perfectly curled around her face, and laid on her back. She did her makeup to perfection, and smelled delicious all the time. She really was perfect.

Some time after Rayas attempt to get me out of bed, I had fallen back asleep. When I had woken up it was 1 Am, I had slept the entire day. I didn't really mind it though. I could still sleep the whole night, Im so tired. I heard somebody push open the door. but didn't care to know who.

"Hi Layla" Minako said behind me. I just stayed quiet, hoping she didn't know what had happened but knowing she did. 

"Listen I know what happened and you have every right to be upset and scared, but you still have to eat. I made some dinner. I would really like it if you could come join us." She said with hope in her voice.

"Im not very hungry, I think I will just stay here for a little while longer." 

"Listen babe I would let you stay here, but Tom said that if I didn't get u down then he would. And I don't think you want that."

With the new information I had gotten I pulled the sheets off my body and slid out of bed.

"come to my room, ill give you some clothes." I followed her down the hall, only in my panties and bra. She handed me a pair of her sweatpants and a tight fitting shirt. I followed behind Mina, into the kitchen. I didn't want to look anybody in the eyes. I was ashamed of what happened to me, so I just kept my eyes on the floor. Unfortunately for me I was going to be forced to sit next to Tom.

Together the three girls made my favorite dinner, grilled cheese snd tomato soup. Seeing it made me feel like I was gonna be sick, I really wasn't hungry. I sat at the table and watched my soup grow cold. The only thing I could think about was the feeling of Tom inside me. The feeling of his hands all over my body, claiming me as his.

My thought was shattered by Tom putting his hand on my thigh. I just sat there. Every instinct inside of my body was telling me to push his hand off me and scream in his face, but I couldn't convince myself to do it. I didn't know whether it was fear or if I just haven't processed what happened last night. I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

I looked up from my soup and met Alis eyes. She looked upset and I felt bad. I hated causing this much disruption in the house, so much so Im letting Tom have control over me. Tears threatened my eyes so I looked back down in attempt to control them. The sound of dishes clanking alerted me "dinner" was over and I could go back upstairs.

I pushed out of my chair and started to walk away.

"Layla!" Tom called after me. I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around. It was the first time I had actually looked at him. Tears weald up in my eyes as I looked in his.

"Where are you going? We have places to be." I just shrugged my shoulders and walked back over to the table, standing next to him still looking at the floor.

"We race in an hour, make sure you're ready." He said to everyone. He grabbed my hand and lead me upstairs.

"Take a shower you look a mess." Tom said throwing me a towel. I grabbed it off the floor and walked into the bathroom, locking in behind me. I started up the shower and turned it on as hot as it could go. I saw a bag of razors sitting in the drawer and it was like I lost control.

I grabbed one of the razors and broke off the head, lifting the metal flaps in the back. I carefully pulled out one of the blades and held it again the skin on my arm. I didn't want to necessarily kill myself, I just wanted to distract myself from everything that was going on.

I slowly dragged the blade down my arm taking in the stinging sensation. After each cut I watched the white line turn to red. Cut lined my entire left arm. I hadn't made them very deep on purpose so they wouldn't bleed so much and would stop before I had to leave the bathroom.

I slipped off all my clothes and got into the shower. I stuck my adm directly under the running water watching the water wash away the blood, then it getting replaced by fresh. Then again and again. I zoned out following this same process until they didn't bleed anymore. I finished up my shower, wrapped the towel around my body and walked out of the room.

I was met by the three girls sitting on Toms bed. They were dressed up in beautiful dresses and expensive looking heels.

"Yay Layla you're done!" Ali cheered. "We picked this out for you!" She said pointing to a pair of heels and a nice, skimpy, but nice dress in Minas hands.

"Thanks" I said in a low voice taking the items from her. We all started to chat about something, nothing very important. This was really helping me, I haven't had a normal time like this in quite a while. This was the first time I had truly laughed in months.

"Ohhh Layla I found this In Bills room." Minako pulled out a bag with some tablets in it.

"Whats that, it looks like candy." She dropped four in her hand and passed them out to us, keeping one for herself. I inspected the small round tablet. It was a brownish pink color and has the euro symbol on it. "€"

"Ohh this is E!" I said happily. I had always wanted to try it.

"Mhm! Its supposed to make you feel happy and confident. Lord knows we all need some energy for this race tonight!" Raya giggled and we all chuckled in response.

Ali pulled out four shooter sized bottles of vodka and we took the pills. We heard Tom call for us letting us know it was time to leave.

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