Chapter Nineteen ~ Living In Fear ~

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"Babe what? Are you sure?" I could not believe she was questioning me right now.

"Yes Minako you know this happened to Leah!" I cried. Leah was my older sister. She was 10 years older than me and had two kids. She was going to have three but had a miscarriage.

"Do you want me to get Tom or.." Her voice trailed off.

"I-I don't know" I was full on sobbing now. I mean I wasn't going to have Tom kid anyways but it wasn't supposed to go like that.

*time skip because im lazy*
We were back at the house now and I had changed into some of Alis clothes. I didn't know why but I hd a feeling Tom had something to do with this.

"We are going somewhere come on." Tom demanded walking through the living room past the girls and I.

"No Im not going."

"excuse me?" Tom walked back into the living room with a raised eyebrow.

"Are you fucking deaf I said im not going!" I got up and stood right in front of him.

"Nobody talks to me like that." Toms spoke calmly but with a great amount of poison in his voice. I stood my ground in front of him, not going to pussy out this time.

"That still doesn't mean im going. You don't own me Tom!" Tom raised his hand and slapped me firmly across my face.

"Tom!" Ray squealed.

"Raya get the fuck over here." Raya stood up and walked over to us with her head down, avoiding eye contact with Tom.

"Look at me" Ray Lifted her head and Tom laid a slap across her face.

"Ill do whatever I want Layla is mine" Tom grabbed my wrist aggressively and shoved Ray out of our way walking towards the car.

"Get the fuck off me you pig! Im not going anywhere with you!" I clawed at his wrist, doing everything in my power to not get into his car.

"Raya please help me!" I looked over at Ray and she sat, still on the floor with her head down. She  wasn't gonna help me but I didn't blame her. Tom was scary. I got shoved into his car and Tom pulled off.

"Im getting really sick of your behavior Layla."

"Yeah well I didn't fucking ask did I?" Toms hand gripped the steering wheel so hard his knuckles turned white. With every growing second the car picked up speed. I wasn't as scared of Tom anymore. I was used to the games he played and I honestly didn't care if I died anyways. I just turned my attention to the window not paying attention to Toms dumbass.

"If you don't drop this little attitude of yours im just going to sell you to a sex club."

"Whatever gets me sway from you" I rolled my eyes at his stupid threat.

"Oh baby that wouldn't get you away from me. Id personally make sure that you danced for me every single night. Would you like that pretty girl?"

"Oh fuck off" Tom shot a look at me and turned to the road. I just wanted to get away from him. I wanted to go home. I missed my mom so much. I wonder what shes doing right now and if shes thinking about me wondering where I am or why I haven't called her.

I wonder if my sister is doing better. When I left she was having a hard time processing everything. A month before the trip my dad got sick and almost died in the hospital. None of us felt sorry for him though, he drank his way there.

My sister started going to parties and was almost never home. When she was home her and my mom were often fighting. I didn't mind when she wasn't there mainly because I got to play music and have the room for myself.

My thought wondered more about my family and all the memories we had together. The more I thought the more angry I became. I missed my family and I wanted to go home. I was sick of living in fear. At any moment Tom could snap and end my life and there was nothing I could do about it.

I pulled myself out of my thoughts to stop myself from crying.

"I wanna listen to music" I said in a cold demanding tone. Toms hand elegantly turned on the radio, full blast as we sped down the road going to god knows where.

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