Chapter Tweleve ~Revenge Part One~

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"Layla Im not going to hurt you, but you have to tell me who did this to you." She sat there for a couple minutes not answering. I was getting annoyed at how long it was taking but tried to say calm.

"I don't know." She said looking in my eyes.

"Just try to describe him for me. I will probably know him."

"He was tall and had a shaved head and uhh he had an accent, it wasn't very thick though and wasn't Japanese. Maybe a Russian accent?" I had no idea who she was talking about.

"Good job baby." I said kissing her on the head, then laying down next to her. I laid with Layla just holding her finger combing her hair. I had to find this guy. Lucky for me I am pretty powerful and know a lot of people, so it shouldn't be too difficult.

After a couple hours of Layla sleeping I decided it was time. I had to get my revenge. I talked to Bill and together we made some calls. We found out the scum bags name was Ivan Lebedev. He has a wife and four kids, she pregnant with their 5th.

I have been watching Ivan, seeing where he goes, who he talks to, what he eats. You would be surprised what somebody can do in only three hours. While watching him I figured out his wife's name,Vera Lebedev. I pull off in my car going to find Vera. I drove to their house and saw her playing with the kids by the pool.

About twenty minutes later she took the kids inside for dinner, this was my chance. I grabbed my gun and went up to the door. I knocked then waited hearing footsteps coming to the door.

"Your coming with me." I said in a demanding tone pointing the gun directly at her stomach. I heard smaller footsteps running up behind her. Not even thinking I pointed my gun and shot. I shot all four of her kids, put her in my car and pulled away.

Finally we got to the warehouse. I took her inside tied her to a chair and set up a video camera.

I hit record and started talking, "do you know why your here Mrs. Lebedev?"

"No you asshole! You shot my kids!" She screamed tears soaking her face.

"Well your husband tried to rape my women. He's in with some bad bad people, he goes to street races, does drugs and apparently rapes women. I don't take kindly to people raping my women. Your going to tell me where your husbands family lives or I will shoot and kill not only you but your last, unborn, child." I tapped her stomach with my gun. She blurted out an address so I went. I picked up the dead kids and the family members and went back to the warehouse.

I tied the family to chairs and hit record once again.

"So Mrs. Lebedev why dont you tell your mother in law why your here? Go on, tell them" I said amusement in my voice.

"Your no good for shit son raped somebody." She said her voice breaking up at the last word.

"Got anything you wanna say to him?" I asked pointing to the camera to his mom. She didn't say anything so I shot her. I then continued to shoot and kill every single one of his family member.

All I could think about was his hands all over Layla. I pulled out my cocaine made three large line and snorted them.

The longer I waited to the drugs to kick in the more I thought about this pussy hurting Layla. The more I thought about how he thinks he can embarrass me, Tom Kaulitz, and get away with it. I was so mad I swear I started to literally see red. I couldn't hear a thing and my vision was blurry.

Hyped up on lines of coke I pulled out my pocket knife and let out the stress of the last couple days. I skinned every single one of them. As I glided my blade, separating their skin from the bone, I thought about how Layla got hurt, I thought about how much she pissed me the fuck off, and lastly I thought about how she didn't fucking want me. Why doesn't she want me? Im fucking perfect for her, I can protect and spoil her.

I gor carried away in my thought and hadn't noticed I started to shave off the bone of her second child. I looked over my right shoulder and saw the horrified look on her face. I couldn't help laugh.

Next I got the chains, I tied each body to a chain and hung it from the ceiling.

"Your gonna say to him this address and if he wants to save you or your unborn child." I turned on the camera and pointed it at her.

"Baby, Im scared this man he's got me you have to come to 567 west in Shinsekai Osaka. When you get here you'll have a choice. Me or the baby." I cut off the camera, pulled out my computer and sent it to him.

"Now we wait!" I said cheerfully with an amused smile on my face.

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