Chapter Seventeen ~Ituski~

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Its been three days since I found out I had a little monster growing inside of my stomach. I hated Tom so much more than I ever have.

Tom has had the same schedule ever since the hospital. He's gone all day then he comes home with a new women has sex with her and then leaves. I figured it was the cocaine that kept him from sleeping.

It was about 4 pm meaning Tom wasn't home yet, he came around 11-12 am. Georg was sitting on the couch so I figured I would talk to him.

"Hi Georg"

"Oh hey Layla!" He was always so sweet to me and he has such a soft voice when he spoke with me.

"What are you watching?"

"I don't even know it was on when I turned on the tv so I just started watching it."

"ohh. Where is everyone?" I never really knew where people were now. I never really left my room.

"Bill and Gustav took the girls somewhere."

"Why didn't you go?"

"Listen Layla, we know Tom and right now he's very unpredictable. If you were anybody else you would be dead. We have to watch you and make sure you are safe. Tom is on a lot of drugs right now and anything could happen."

"What does he do when he leaves?"

"We don't know for sure but we assume drinking sex clubs and killing."

"How do you live like this Georg? Its so hard and scary."

"I know Layla its very scary." I laid my head in his lap and let tears slide down my face. I felt safe with him. With one hand Georg brushed through my hair with his finger, he laid the other on my waist holding me tightly to him. I drifted off to sleep feeling safe for once in a very long time.

I woke up to a car door slamming and realized I was still living this nightmare. Tom stepped out of the car and sat on the couch next to me,immediately all the muscle's in my body went tense. Waking up more I realized Georg was gone and I was laying on a pillow with a blanket laid over my body. The tv had been turned off and it was now dark outside.

TOMS POV- before Layla woke up

Ituskis loud moans filled my car. The past three days has been nothing but drugs sex and killing for me.

"Tomie I love you so much!" Her annoying squeaky voice rang in my ears.

"shut the fuck up" I pushed her off me into the passenger seat. She pissed me off so much. Why didn't Layla give into me like Ituski did? It didn't make sense to me.

"Take me back home" I turned my head to see her pouting at me.

"Yeah right get out of my car." I unlocked the doors gesturing for her to get out.

"But Tomie" She squealed pulling on my fingers.

"What are you five? Stop fucking touching me and get out of my car! Get back onto the fucking streets and sell your body to men like your meant to do!" She didn't get out and just kept looking at me with that stupid expression on her face.

"Fine don't get out." I pulled out my cocaine and did a line, I was going to need for what I was about to do. I started up the car and started to drive.

"ee yaya now we can fuck in your bed!"

"You're crazy Ituski. You're not getting in my bed. Layla is the only one allowed." I spoke in a calm voice.

"You haven't killed that whore yet?" She responded with an attitude. I didn't even respond I just pulled over the car and got out. I walked over to the passenger side and pulled her out of the car. I grabbed her by her hair and shoved her to the ground. I pulled out my knife and put it up to her throat.

"Say it again." She stayed silent

"I said say it again." Each time I spoke the fear in her eyes grew. Once again she didn't respond to it slit her throat. I lost control and started stabbing her. Each time I brought the knife down I thought of how Layla was pregnant with my kid. I raped her. She hated me. I hurt her. I care about her. I love her.

Getting off of Ituski tears flooded down my face. I hated myself for caring about a girl. She meant nothing and was a whore just like the others.

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