Chapter Three ~Raya~

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"Layla" Toms voice jumped me out of my thoughts, "hm?" was all I could manage, I was scared for what was happening around me. Im a child, I only just turned 18 I shouldn't be here. "Ill finish with the tour now." He was standing now and everybody was gone. I ignored Toms out stretched hand and walked into the living room. Their living room was a car garage. In it were the four cars, next to the cars on the right was a couch and a tv. On the left was a room. On the back wall in-front of the cars was another room. Tom explained to me those were Georg and Gustavs rooms so we wouldn't go in there. In front of Georgs room was the stairs. We walked up and there were three rooms, Toms room, Bills room, and a bathroom.
"Okay and were will I be sleeping?" " baby girl your sleeping with me." "Yeah thats a good one Tom id rather die." Tom picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. "TOM PUT ME DOWN" Tom chuckled and carried me to his room. "TOMIE WHO IS THAT?" The most annoying high pitched voice I have ever heard rung though the room. Tom set me down and walked over to his bed. "what the fuck are you doing in here Ituski" Ton grabbed her by her hair and pulled her close to him. "I told you when we got off the plane and I had Layla you were gonna fuck off and go back to being a little slut on the street. Do you remember that?" The small girl looked down avoiding Toms harsh gaze. "Answer me!" Tom screamed pulling her head up hard, making her eyes stair into his. The small Japanese women had tears streaming down her face. She stayed  quiet just staring at Tom. "Fine you don't wanna listen and follow my rules?" He muttered under his breath as he slapped her across the face. Tom shoved her to the ground and started punching her. "Tom stop please Tom stop!!" I screamed trying to get him to stop beating her. He stopped dead in his tracks and got off of her. "Get the fuck out Ituski!" He screamed and she ran off. Tom left and I heard the bathroom light come on. I crawled into a corner in the room and started to cry. I didn't want to show him weakness but I cant help it. Im scared, I don't have my friend, Im only a kid, and Im not supposed to be here.

I waked back into my room after cleaning up my hands in the bathroom. My bed was empty so I started scanning the room for Layla. I saw her curled up in a corner farthest away from my bed and the door. I walked over and picked her up. I walked to my bed and gently set her down,she has mascara stains on her face. She must of been crying. Good. I need her to fear me for this to go as we planned for it to go. I went into my closet threw on a pair of sweatpants, took of my shirt and slipped under the covers next to Layla.

I woke up in Toms bed alone. I looked at the clock and it was 5 pm. I could hear Tom and Bill saying something outside of the room. "Ich denke, der Plan wird aufgehen" Tom said. "Ja, wenn du dich nicht in sie verliebst" Bill replied laughing. I had no clue what it meant, but after Bills reply I heard the door handle click. "I know your awake Lay, come down the cooks made up some breakfast" "Im not hungry, can I just stay here?" He didn't respond, he just came over and pulled me up by my hair, "Don't fucking talk back to me I said come down stairs." He whispered against my ear, his warm breath chills down my spine. I just nodded and he let me go. I hopped up behind him and followed him downstairs. I hoped that I would get to talk to the girls today and see how their doing, but that seems impossible with toms bitch ass breathing down my neck all the time. Getting to the table I sat down, but i didn't eat. Again I wasn't hungry. Everyone finished up their meals and the boys went into Toms office to talk about some stuff, they wouldn't tell us what. I didn't mind though because now I could be with Minako and Alicia. We all sat in the main living room and talked. "How did we get into this mess?" I asked them half joking, "Im not sure this is all hard to process, but I don't know if you guys have met Gustavs bumper, I know you haven't Layla." Ali said. She pointed to the girl sitting next to her. She was very pretty. She had long black hair, and bright green eyes. "This is Raya!" "Hi Raya im Layla" "Hi so I hear you have tom? Hes the worst! I have been here for four months, its the longest any girl has ever stayed. They will usually just use girls up and throw them out on the streets" I looked at her in shock, these guys are crazy. "Tom is the worst Bill, Gustav, and Georg are all pretty nice, they just act mean around Tom. They call us bumper, our only purpose to them is to sit and accompany them on races and please them when they ask us too. You all look too young to be here, how old are you guys?" "Oh im 18 I turned yesterday" I told Raya. "Im 19 and Ali is 19" Minako told her. "You poor things! Don't let them in your head, but don't disobey them especially Tom. You first Races are tonight so be ready for it!" Raya said. Shes so sweet and cheerful I wonder how she could be like that in a place like this.

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