Chapter Sixteen ~Sickness~

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Waking up In the morning I felt so sick. My head hurt and I was extremely nauseous. I knew this would happen but I didn't expect it to be this bad. I sat up in bed which woke up Tom.

"Where are you going?"

I didn't answer him, I just got up and ran to the bathroom. I leaned over the toilet and threw up. Tom came behind me and held my hair up. I threw up three more times before I was okay enough to go back to Toms room. He picked me up bridal style and laid me down in his bed.

"Ill go grab you some medicine okay?" I nodded my head and closed my eyes. Can he ever just be normal. I knew he was only being nice since he wasn't hyped up on cocaine.

He walked into the room with a few Tylenol tablets and a glass of water.

"Here you go baby" He handed me them and I took all three in one big gulp. Tom crawled back in bed and laid down next to me. He pulled me back to him by my waist and soon after I drifted off to sleep.

~a lot of hours later~
I woke up to the sound of cars leaving the house. I turned next to me and Tom was still with me so I knew it wasn't him. Thankfully I was feeling much better than the last time I woke up so I decided to go downstairs and check out what was happening. Sitting on the couch was Minako and Bill. It turned out that Georg Gustav Ali and Raya left.

"Where did they go?" I questioned

Minako and Bills heads snapped to the stairs, "hey babe you're awake!! They went out to dinner. Bill and I had a late lunch and we didn't wanna wake you and Tom. How are you feeling? We heard you earlier." Minako said

"Better my head doesn't hurt anymore but I still feel sick to my stomach."

"Here come sit we are watching a movie" She patted the seat next to her and I sat. I looked at the coffee table and sitting there was a bowl of popcorn and two drinks. The sight of food made me wanna throw up everywhere. I was sitting watching the movie when I felt though I had to throw up again. I got up to run to the bathroom but fell to the floor.

"Layla!" Bills yelled

"Fuck im okay my legs are very weak though" Minako hopped up off the couch and came over grabbing my hand. I grabbed her hand to help myself up but everything started going black.

"Tom!!" Bills voice rang through my ears before everything went completely black.

I woke up in an empty hospital room with Ali standing over me with tears in her eyes. "Alicia?" I mumbled half awake.

"Layla!" I heard her cheer. That was all I remember before everything was black again. The next time I woke up there was a few doctors around me.

"Layla! Layla can you hear us!" They spoke loudly tapping my arm.

"hm what? what's happening?" I spoke barely audible. I yet again fell back into my coma.

"Get her to fucking wake up! I swear to fucking god if she doesn't wake up your all fucking dead!" Toms voice had more venom in it than it had ever had before. I open my eyes to see the scene in front of me. Tom was screaming in the face of a doctor. To my left Minako was slumped over in a chair with a needle sticking out of her arm.


"Layla!" His voice was full of hope as he rushed over to my side.

"What happened?"

"Theres a few things. They think you have been sick due to the lack of eating and the amount of drugs."

"Oh. Whats up with her"

"Bill gave her heroine. She was going crazy. They gave you some medicine to help you sleep for a while while they gave you nutrition or something."


"Im going to go get the others okay? Ill be right back" I nodded and Tom rushed out of the room to grab everyone else. I laid there for what felt like forever. A million questions ran through my mind. How long had it been? Why does my lower stomach hurt so bad? Why is Mina on drugs? Why is Tom being so sweet?

Heavy footsteps snapped me back to reality. I looked up and saw a doctor in my room.

"Hello Layla, good to see you awake!"


"We got some tests back and well it turns out you're pregnant. We waited for Tom to leave the room knowing how he would react." I looked at him in disbelief. Did he just say im pregnant. There no way I cant be. Tom gonna loose it. Seconds later everyone rushed into the room.

"Everyone out!" I screamed at them tears flowing down my face. Everyone stood there stunned. "Now!!"I screamed twice as loud. Everyone besides Tom left the room.

"The fuck?" He said looking at me.

"Im pregnant Tom!" I yelled in his face. "This is all your fucking fault! I hate you so much Tom!" I covered my face and cried. I didn't know what to do. Im so young and I didn't even want to have sex with him. My whole world crumbled in front of me.

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