Chapter Twenty Two ~ Find Her ~

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I woke up in a dark room, I felt sedated as fuck. both my hands were cuffed up on the wall. where am i? I could barely move my limbs, I felt paralyzed. Panicking I look around. Its almost pitch black besides a very small window at the top of the wall. This and the freezing floor underneath me told me I had to have been in some sort of underground basement.

I tried to move around but hissed at the pain in my wrists from the hand cuffs. I tried to stand up but was also unsuccessful. I got frustrated and started to cry. I remember what had happened before I woke up and started crying harder. I just needed Tom. I know feeling this way is stupid and I hate myself for it but I need him to save me.
He got me raped twice for god sake, one of those times being himself, but I want nothing more than to feel his strong hands gripping my waist right now.

I heard footsteps echoing down the hallway and knew somebody was coming. I quickly stopped crying and tried to wipe my eyes with the sleeve on my shoulder the best I could. I realized that it wasn't normal shoes that were hitting the floor. It was a pair of heels.

The noises stopped right outside the door and I heard keys jingling. I had a terrible feeling about whatever was on the other side. A pit grew in the bottom of my stomach and I wanted to throw up.


"What the fuck do you mean shes not there. None of us came and got her and who else would know she was there."

"We don't know Sir we are sorry."

"Fucking find her or I swear to god I will slit all of your throats."

I slammed the big red hang up button and threw my phone on the table. Layla is missing from the hospital and all of the nurses claimed that they hadn't seen her left and assumed I took her.

While Layla was in the hospital I constantly had my men checking up on her, although im not sure if the nurses told her that. I didn't feel bad for stabbing her, she needs to learn her place.

My phone dinged and I picked it up assuming it was somebody notifying me about her whereabouts, I was very wrong.

On my phone I saw two pictures of my girl. One she was in the back of a car, getting raped. The next one she sat passed out with her hands chained above her head on a wall.

This infuriated me. The fear in her eyes in the first picture made my heart hurt. She was just looking at the camera with a blank face, but you could tell there was so much fear in her eyes. I was going to find whoever the fuck did this and rip every bone and every nerve out of their body one by one.

I called bill into my room and notified him about everything that just happened.

"What do we do we can tell Mina or Ali about this not even Raya either."

"We fucking find her is what we do." I screamed at him. Nobody messes with what belongs to me.

The door swung open and standing in front of me was probably the most drop dead stunning girl I had ever seen in my entire life. She was a good height and had black hair with green eyes. Her body was perfect, skinny but still curved.

Behind her stood too very big looking body guards.

She clicked her way over to me and looked down. I looked up meeting her eyes.

"Im Aurora." she said stone cold. Leaning down she unlocked my hand cuffs and put them in the loop of her jeans. I pulled down my wrists, stretching them out and grimacing at the pain.

Aurora grabbed my wrist and pulled me up to be standing next to her.

"He was to meet you." She pushed me to one of the guards who then grabbed my wrist and aggressively shoved me into the hallway.

We came up to a set of black doors. Aurora went in front of us and pushed it open. Inside the room sat a gut in a suit. Aurora walked over to him and sat on his lap.

"Strip" He said

"Excuse me"

"Your clothes. Take them off."

"Uh no thanks"

"Im not asking Layla. Im telling." He looked at the body guard behind me who now held a gun in her hand.

I started to slowly take off my clothes. I could feel everyone's eyes on me and I hated it so much.

"We don't have all day hurry up."

After a few short seconds I was standing fully naked in front of this man. Behind him stood another guy with a clipboard.

The guy at the desk turn his head and spoke to the man with the clipboard, "Some tattoos and piercings." He turned back to me and spoke again. "Hight and Weight"

"5' and 100 pounds"

He did a nod to the guards who then pushed me out another door. Through this door there was a room with some clothes folded on a chair.

"Get dressed and come back out when you done"

They swung the door shut behind them and walked out. I just stood there for a second processing what just happened. Am I being sex trafficked right now? I decided i should hurry up as to not piss them off anymore.

I picked up the clothes and started to slip them one. Once there were all on I realized how much of a slutty outfit this was. It was basically just lingerie. I walked slowly back to the door and pulled it open.

The guy at the table looked me up and down. He was completely eye fucking me and I hated it so much, I felt so dirty.

"Good take her back to her room."

With that the guards guided me out and pushed me back to and into my room. At least I didn't get chained up this time.

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