Chapter Fifteen ~ explanation~

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The race was about 15 minutes from the house going the speed limit, with tom it takes 5. I was starting to wonder if this was even going to kick in, all the drugs I usually take kick in with in 5 minutes.

"You okay baby?" Tom looked over at me curious. I hated him so much he was such a biopolar asshole.

"Mhm how far are we?"

"about 5 minutes" I nodded my head and looked back out the window letting my thoughts swallow my mind.

~five minutes later~
We pulled up to the underground parking garage. There were more people here than there usually was. Tom got out of the car and walked up to bill and the other. I followed up right behind him standing with the girls.

"How long does this take to kick in?" I whispered in Alis ear. I figured she would know since she seemed to know stuff about it earlier.

"About 45 minutes." I groaned in annoyance. Everyone broke off from the group, Tom going to talk to some sluts, Bill following after him, Georg going to his car for god knows what, and Gustav leaning on his car. That left us girls standing together. "Imma go talk to Gustav." I have only really spoken to him a few times but he seemed super sweet.

"Hey Gustav!" I said in a cheery voice sitting on the hood of his car.

"Oh whats up Layla" He said looking away from the crowd of people and turning his attention to me.

"Nothing just don't really have a ton to do. I don't enjoy being at these places." He shook his head understanding what I said.

"Want some?" He said as he pulled a bottle of Vodka from his car.

"Yes please!" I said taking the bottle from his hands and chugging it.

"Whoa there girl" He chuckled taking it from me. I smiled at him and laughed along with him.

"Layla I know how tuff its been for you while you have been here. Just know I can always take you out on drives or whatever if you need me to. We can bring Raya or we don't have to. Just know im here if you need a break from Mr. Ego over there" He said jokingly pointing to Tom.

"Thank you Gusti that means a lot to me. Tom can for sure be a lot at times" I said grabbing my arm where "TK" was carved into it.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure whats on your mind?"

"Is there a reason why Tom is so crazy. One minute he will be so nice and loving to me and the next he's an asshole."

"Its mainly drugs. He's almost always fucked up on cocaine and often mixes it alcohol or other drugs. There has always been rumors he has a medical condition but Georg and I would never ask Tom or Bill is it was true. When he's not high he will be super sweet and when he is thats when his asshole side comes out."

"I suppose that makes sense." I saw Tom coming over to us and knew I was either in trouble or it was time for the race. I took the bottle one more time and chugged it again. 

"Hi babe" Tom grabbed me by my waist and hugged me. "Was ist los Gustav"

"hey was ist gut" Gustav wasn't very good at english so I understood why they all usually spoke to him in german. Tom pulled away from me slightly and looked down into my eyes. I looked over and saw a few girls giving me dirty looks. Tom pulled my chin so I was looking in his eyes again.

"Don't mind them my love, they are just jealous. They would all kill to be in your spot right now."

My heart rate started to speed up and I had a burst of energy. The E must have been working. I felt like I could do anything in this moment. I looked in his eyes and started giggling.

"Hi Tom" I said pushing my face into his chest and wrapping my arms around him. At the same time I could feel the vodka taking effect.

"Hello my love" Tom responded holding me tighter. Holy shit this drug was strong as fuck.

"The race is starting come on" Tom pulled me to his car and opened the passenger seat letting me slide into the seat. I just looked out the window, nothing felt real. It felt like i was watching a tv show, this was how I normally felt when I drink just not as confident and I do right now. Tom finished up his conversation with Bill and got into the car. This time it was just the four boys racing each other and no other gangs. They had not shown up yet if they were even coming at all. Most were scared of Tom and the other which was understandable.

Toms engine roared the loudest like it usually did. The drunken whores outside the car screamed and jumped up and down, their skimpy outfit's barely holding everything in. I honestly don't remember the actual race happening I just remember getting out of the car at the end, coming in first place of course. Once again Tom went to great his fans and I went up to the girls.

"Holy shit this is so great!" I laughed with them.

"Right! I took a bottle of vodka from Gustavs car" Raya giggled.

"Me too!" I laughed tears forming in my eyes fron laughing so much.

"Unfair! I want some!" Minako whined.

"I got you" I said as I walked up to Tom. He was talking with some sluts. I tugged on his shirt.



"I want vodka. Please baby" I rested my hand on the side of his face and played with his lip ring slightly.

"Okay I got some in the car" He walked over to his car and pulled out a large bottle.

"Here you go" Tom set the bottle on the roof of the car and wrapped his arms around around me.

"If you do something stupid Layla You'll regret it"  He whispered in my ear. I rolled my eyes "Ok" Tom let go of me and handed me the bottle, slapping my ass as I walked away.

I met back up with my girls and handed them the bottle. The rest of the night was a blur.

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