Chapter Eleven ~The crash~

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Bill told me was hospital they took Layla to and I rushed there. I was going to fucking ruin whoever did this to her, they are gonna wish they were never born.

I rushed inside and quickly found out where her room was. One agonizingly slow elevator ride later I got to Laylas room.

I peaked my head inside and saw everyone crowded around her, she was sleeping.


"Oh hi Tom" Bill said looking up at me. I looked at Minako and Alicia and both of their eyes were red and puffy. I pushed through all of them and saw Layla laying there. Her arm in a cast and her lip having a cut on it.

"Who the fuck did this to her?" I screamed at them to which they all shushed me. I just rolled my eyes. I was going to wake her up anyways. Laylas eyes flew open at the sound of my voice.

"Great now you woke her up!" Minako yelled at me leaving the room crying. Its not like she almost died Mina is so overreacting. I rolled my eyes and turned to Layla. She has tears streaming down her face.

Ever since me and the girls came on vacation here, we didn't wanna leave so we didn't! Tonight was our first night officially living here, so we decided to go out to the club.

We are in the car blasting our favorite music, having a good time.

"FUCK MINAKO CAR!" A black racer car had rammed into our. We slid and rolled a few times.

"Fuck" I said in a daze. I looked to my right and saw Minako, Dead. Then in the back, Alicia. Dead. "Fuck no no wake up!!" I screamed taping them. I knew if I didn't get out of the car all the blood would rush to my head and id pass out and die. I heard somebody tapping on the window and turned.

"Who the fuck did this to her?" I saw Tom Kaulitz standing outside of my door. My eyes snapped open and I was laying in a hospital bed.

"Great now you woke her up!" Minako ran out of the room crying. Tom turned to me and I was crying from my dream. I looked around and everyone was here, besides Minako and Bill who had chased after her.

"Hi baby" Tom said in the softest voice I have ever heard him speak in. I didnt know what to do so I just sat there and stared at him. "I need you to tell me who did this to you okay my love?" He was not sitting in a chair next to my bed holding my hands.

"Tom the police are gonna get here soon, the doctors said they have to call them when something like this happens." Raya explained to Tom. Gustav looked at Raya like she was crazy.

"No fucking police Raya. You should know this by now!!" Tom screamed at her. A nurse ran into the room due to all the yelling.

"What going on-" His words were cut short when he say a very angry Tom Kaulitz looking at him. "No police got it." I wondered how he already knew and how many girls tom brought in here before.

"Okay everyone get the fuck how I need to speak with Layla in private."

"I love you Layla you got this." Ali said giving me a slight kiss on the forehead and a reassuring squeeze on my hand. Georg waved to me and smiled, took Alis hand in his and they walked out together.

"We will be here when he's done" Gustav said smiling gesturing to him and Raya. They both gave me a small hug and walked out.

I watched as all my friends left me in a room with the man who has hurt me the most. The scariest part about all of it is you never know if he is gonna snap and be mad or be really sweet.

"Im not gonna hurt you. I promise" Tom spoke in a low and calm voice. It didn't have the usual sharpness or the venom it does when he's mad.

"Im sorry." I started to cry again. "I couldn't get him off me tom! I didn't mean to Im sorry!" I pleaded to him not knowing if he was serious about not hurting me.

"I know baby. Im not going to hurt you." He said still holding my hand.

After Tom had woken up Layla Mina had ran out of the room yelling at Tom. You must have thought she gone crazy, yelling at Tom in a situation as stressful as this. I walked around the hospital trying to find her. I walked past the dinning area and finally found her. She was sitting at a table drinking out of her water bottle, although I assume its filled with wine.

"Hi baby" I said sitting in front of her."Im not mad at you, but you must be out of your mind yelling at Tom right now."

"I know Im just stressed out, Layla doesn't deserve that." She broke down in tears again.

"I know my love I know. Come here." I said standing up and now holding out my arms. Mina stood up and i wrapped my arms around her.

"I promise you Tom is going to find whoever did this and make sure they pay for what they did, trust me." We just stood their like that for a couple minutes before we decided it was time go to back.

"Hey guys" I said approaching everyone sitting in the waiting area hallway from Laylas room. "where is tom?" 

"He said he had to Layla and made us get out. Im kind worried" Ali replied.

"Here Mina sit with Ali, I'll to make sure everything is okay." Mina sat next to Ali and laid down on her shoulder. I walked down the long hallway finally making it to her room. I peaked in the door window and saw him leaning over her bed, holding her hand and talking with her.

Even though he didn't want to admit it, she was changing him. This isn't the first time one of his bumpers have gone to the hospital for somebody hurting them. He has just never cared enough to do anything about it, he just moved on to the next girl. He's being gentle with Layla. Even his movement were lighter and slowed down than they usually were.

Tom stood up and laid down next to Layla, he held her in his arms and combed her hair with his fingers. She was crying and by the looks of it, Tom was calming her down.

I decided I had seen enough to decide she would be okay and I could calm everyone's nerves, including my own.

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