Chapter Seven ~Destoryed~

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Warning for self harm
Rapeish stuff

I woke up in Toms bed. I looked at my wrist and saw it was bandaged up, last night wasn't a dream. I got up and walked into the hallways and down the stairs. Gustav and Georgs cars were gone. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach reminding me I haven't ate in five days.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Minako and Ali sitting at the counter eating.

"Hey guys."

"Layla oh my god thank god your okay we were so worried." Minako said running over

"yeah Im okay don't worry."

"Lay whats on your arm?" Ali questioned me pointing to my arm.

I didn't want to think about last night so I just look at the ground and don't respond. I think they go the message because they didn't push the subject any further.

"Wheres Tom and Bill their cars are here"

"They are out by the pool we are about to head out wanna come?" In the back of my mind I knew I should stay here and probably eat something but Im not even hungry so I agree and go with them to see Bill and Tom.

"look who's awake!" Ali cheered as we walked outside.

Tom and bill were sitting in the corner of the pool smoking a cigarette. I went and sat at the edge of the pool next to Tom.

"Can I have one?" I asked pointing to his cigarettes

"Yeah of course princess but I thought you didn't smoke." He handed me a cigarette and lit it. 
inhaling, letting it intoxicate my blood,  feeling it fill my lungs to the brim I just shrugged and said, "no better time than the present."

"Why don't you go put on your bathing suit and join us?" Minako said to me

"Sure why not"

Layla walked away and inside. A few minutes later Tom got up and also went inside. This really concerned me considering what happened last night.

"Hey whats wrong baby girl?" Bill wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"Nothing just worried about Layla. Tom scares me."

"Thats understandable." he said no other response which made my nerves worse. I love Layla so much. She means the world to me and Ali. We cannot lose her.

I was in Toms room changing into my bathing suit when Tom walked in. He looked me up and down and started to smirk

"Fuck baby your hot"

"Ew Tom get the fuck out!" I screamed at him. His eyes made me feel dirty. He walked up closer to me and grabbed me by my waist pulling me to him. Our body's were now touching and I could feel his bulge against my lower stomach. I tried to push him off of me

"Tom what are you doing stop!" I screamed at him trying harder to get him off.

"Well what does it look like my love? Im gonna fuck you." He spoke with such a cold tone. He carried me over to the bed. He sat on the edge and sat me on his lap so I was straddling him. Waisting no time Tom slammed his lips into mine. I didn't kiss him back. I didn't want my first kiss to be to this man whore.

"Kiss me back." He demanded

"No you fucking pig!" I screamed at him. Tom shoved me off his lap and I hit the ground with a hard thud.

"What the did you just say to me?"

"I said I will never kiss you, you cunt fuck!" I tried to get up and run out of the room. I made it to the door before he got me "MINAKO ALICIA HELP!" I screamed trying to get somebody to save me.

"They are outside baby girl, your all mine." Tom slammed me against the door, once again kissing my lips aggressively. He shoved his tongue into my mouth, slowly moving his hands down to my waist and back up again. He picked me up again snd threw me onto his bed. Tom pulled down my pants leaving me only in my lacy, black  thong. Tom threw off his shirt and pants leaving him only in his boxers. I closed my eyes to stop tears from falling out of them.

"What did I say before, open your fucking eyes Layla im not kidding." I opened my eyes and immediately tears rolled down my face

"Awe my poor girl." Tom said rubbing his finger where the tear has just been. He leant down and whispered in my ear, "Don't cry it will feel good." Tom said with lust in his eyes. He went back to kissing me and his hand slowly making its way to my clit, moving in circles. I couldn't help but moan. He was so good at this.

"Thats right baby girl scream my name"

"fuck Tom stop please stop" Tears were now pouring out of my eyes. I was so scared.

Tom go on top of me and looked straight into my eyes. Maybe im crazy but I swear I saw tears in his eyes. Seconds later tom got off of me "Next time I wont stop."

Thats all he said before he walked out of rhe room. Leaving me there, scared out of my mind. I laid there for probably two hours not crying or talking, barley even breathing. I didnt know what to do, so I got up snd tried to find Minako or Ali. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen which connected to Toms office. From inside the office I could hear moaning and Itukis high pitched annoying ass voice. The sound make me wanna throw up.

I wondered through the house trying to find somebody to help me. I found myself back in the kitchen. I didn't know what else to do, so I grabbed a knife out of the drawer and started cutting. I just kept going I couldn't stop. It felt so nice being able to let out all my emotions. I had at least 20 cuts on my one arm and was about to move on to my other.

"Layla?" I heard Bills voice behind me. I turned around and a look of horror played across his face.

"Fuck Layla what did you do?!" He screamed concern running through his voice.

"Tom, Minako, Alicia! Somebody get in here now!!" I collapsed to the floor sobbing. Bill ran up and caught me in his arms.

Seconds laters Minako came rushing in the room.
"Layla!! What the fuck did you do!" She immediately started to cry. Tom ran in the room shortly after followed by Aliclia.

Ali took me in her arms and carried me over to the couch while Mina got the first aid kit. Tom was no where to be seen. He got in his car and sped away the second he saw what I had done.

Minako wrapped up my arm and sat on the floor in-front of the couch next to me and Ali. I sat in Alis arms and cried. I just cried for hours. I was so scared and I was finally letting out all the emotions I have been holding in. I was especially scared for what Tom was gonna do to me when he got back here.

I was going to die. Tom Kaulitz was going to kill me.

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