Chapter Twenty Three ~ Its over ~

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For the next couple of days different men came in and looked at me. A few times just had been taken out of the facility and forced to dance at local clubs.

I had started to wonder if Tom was ever going to come looking for me. Did Mina and Ali even notice or care I wasn't there? I often got lost in my thoughts and cried a lot. I tried to keep it to when nobody was around but that was hard since I was always being watched.

"Today's a big day Layla. Our biggest client is coming in to look at you. I think this is the one."

Apparently somebody I had made an alliance with saw Layla at more than one club dancing. I knew that she wouldn't just hop from club to club dancing. Layla isn't like that. I immediately knew what happened and I also knew we needed to get her out as soon as possible.

I had all of my men go to different clubs everywhere they could find. Two at each club.

Bill and I went to a club called "The Luxx". This club is the only one she hasn't been to in this area so we are assuming tonight she will be here. Dancers started coming out and soon came our Aurora.

I should have known it was him. Haruki Yamamoto has always had problems with me. Aurora was Haruki's girl so I knew he was here. He planned this out very well. I scanned the club and thats when I saw him.

I calmly got up and walked over to him.
"Where is she" I demanded

"Not sure who you mean"

I rolled my eyes and started to raise my voice, "Where the fuck is Layla Haruki."

"Ohh her? Yeah shes dead." He laughed a little. I got so mad I swear I started to see read.

"That isn't a funny joke. Give me Layla back or Aurora dies." I nodded behind me where Bill held Aurora with a gun to her head. I pulled out mine and pointed it at Haruki.

"Poor Tom misses his girl. Im telling you the truth She was too weak and had too many tattoos so we killed her off. You picked an annoying one this time Tom. She cried a lot."

"I will blow off every single persons head in this room if you don't stop playing these fucking games and just give me my women back." I shoved my gun in his face. We were definitely causing a scene now.

Haruki pulled out his phone and showed me a picture. On the ground lay Layla, blood pouring out of her throat. She was gone.

I pulled the trigger, shooting him straight through his head. I then turned around to Bill and pointed the gun at my own.

"Bill im sorry I cant live without Layla." I spoke with genuine hurt in my voice.

"Tom please. Don't do this. Please he could have been lying. Remember the promise we made?"

"Im sorry. I love you Billy." I pulled the trigger and everything went dark.

I had been sold. A guy had boughten me and I was on my way to his house. I prayed Tom was okay and on his way to save me. I missed him so much.

Lucky for me this guy wasn't the smartest and left me unattended in the car. I of course took this opportunity to escape.

I pulled open the car door and booked it. I ran as fast as I could as far away as I could. I didnt care I just needed to get away from here.

After what felt like four hours of running I decided it was safe to stop for a minute to catch my breath. I just relaxed for a moment and realized I had gotten away and could get back to Tom soon. I needed his protection.

After relaxing and catching my breath for a couple of minutes I decided it was time to start making my way back to the house.

I figured at least one taxi driver in this stupid town has to know where he lives. My only option was to start asking. I waved a taxi down ans got inside.

"Hi do you know where Tom Kaulitz lives?"

"Yes. Why would you want to go there?"

"Don't ask just drive." I demanded and the man started to drive. We drove for a good 30 minutes before I even recognized where we were.

"Are you going because of the death?" My heart immediately dropped. Whose Death? Are Mina and Ali okay? Tom Bill Gustav Georg?

My mind started to race and I couldn't breathe. Tears filled to the brim of my eyes threatening to spill. I could speak, I couldn't move. All I could do was sit.

The driver came to a stop and said something but I didn't hear. I just looked out the window and saw the house. I slide out of the car and mindlessly walked to the front door. I felt as if I was watching myself walk and the whole world was completely silent.

I took a deep breath and pushed open the door. I heard noises in the kitchen and slowly walked in. All heads turned to me and I immediately scanned them all looking Tom. He was no where to be found.

"Where Tom? Where is he? Guys where is Tom?" I stuttered out.

"My poor baby!" Mina ran over and wrapped her arms around me as I just stood there not reacting.

I immediately started to cry, "Wheres Tom?" Was the only thing I could get out.

"He's gone baby." Mina whispered.

My legs gave out and I fell to the floor screaming and crying. I couldn't breathe and I couldn't think. All I could do was scream and cry. Mina Held me on the floor and Ali joined us rubbing my back trying to help me. 

"He's not gone your lying! Where is he?" I screamed even louder than before. This pain was not like the other ones. Every bone in my body hurt and I didn't know what to do.

"What happened?" I asked turning my head to Ali.

"Well one of Toms rivals kidnapped you as you obviously know. He made you dance at those clubs purposely knowing it would drawl Tom to one. The guy who took you made it look like you were dead, so Tom killed himself."

I jumped up and made a run for Tom room. They chased after me, knowing I was unpredictable at this moment. I sprinted past Toms car and up the stairs busting into our room.

Toms smell his my nose and I let out another cry. I saw his gun on the dresses and Immediately grabbed it in my hands, pointing it at my head.

"Layla. Baby girl, please stop it please put it down. Please we just lost Tom."

"I can't do it without him Minako. I have to do it. It hurts too much."

"I know baby but it will get better. I promise, Please just put it down."

"Im sorry Minako and Im sorry Alicia. I will always love you both so much. Push through this for me."

With that I shot myself in the head, taking my own life.

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