Chapter Twenty ~Floating~

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After what felt like years in the car we finally stopped.

"Where are we?" I questioned him.

"A deal." He responded looking around outside.

"You're fucking joking right. You did not drag me all the way out here for a fucking drug deal."

"Shut up and maybe I'll give you some." Tom rolled his eyes and pushed open the car door, "stay here." He slammed the door shut behind him and walked up to the house sitting in front of us. It was sketchy ad fuck here and I was honestly scared as shit to be in the car alone.

Finally Tom walked out from the house and back to the car.

"Took you long enough. What did you even get?"

"Watch your attitude and I got some Heroin, Weed, E, and Adderall."

"Okay I was the adderall." I said coldly putting out my hand.

"Princess I told you to drop the attitude."

"Oh my god fine. Can I pretty please have some of your drugs." I said in the nicest yet most sarcastic voice possible. He threw one pill into my hand and I swallowed it.

Sitting in the car on the drive home it had been about ten minutes before I started to feel any changes. It was strange because it hit me out of nowhere.

The windows were down and the music was blasting. We had to have been going at least 180. I felt like I was floating and the music was carrying me.

"Tom" I said in a very chilled tone.

"Yes baby girl?" He looked over at me and giggled. It must have been obvious I was feeling it.

"Am I floating? I feel like im floating? Maybe im being pushed down I don't know I cant tell. This is so weird. How fast are we going?" My mind was going so fast I couldn't get my thoughts out fast enough.

"Whoa there pretty let's slow it down." He rested his hand on my thigh and gave it a light squeeze.

"I might be high, but I still don't like you" I pushed his hand off of my leg. He put his hand back on my leg and looked at me.

"Yeah I don't really care." I was going to fight but I was honestly too high. I decided I would just enjoy the rest of my high.

——————————-Time Skip————————
Pulling up to the house, I was still off my ass high. Tom pushed open his door and then walked around to mine. I didn't get out right away, i just looked at the floor, there was honestly no way I could walk.

"Uhh are you good? Get out" He looked at me with a blank stair.

"Maybe I can just stay here for a little bit" Tom laughed and picked me up in his arms.

Walking through the door Minako looked at us and then switched to a worried expression.

"What wrong with her, is she okay?"

"Yeah just high as fuck"

"Is that my baby Mina?" I blurted out. Immediately more thought filled my ears. Tom set me down so my head was laying in Minas lap.

"I think im floating"

"no Jay your laying on the couch" Mina started giggling. "You know Tom I think I want some of what she has"

——————————Time Skip——————————
Finally my high was dying down and I could actually tell I wasn't floating. Bill walked into the room and looked at Tom.

"Hey Tom can I speak with you for a minute?" Tom nodded.

After a good few minutes of silence they started to scream at each other in their mother tongue.

"Du verliebst dich in ihren Tom und wir können das nicht haben!"

"Bill, halt die Klappe, du weißt nichts! Ich verfalle nicht in sie, sie bedeutet mir nichts!"

I heard a door slam and then Toms heavy footsteps coming down the hallway and towards me.

"Layla kitchen now!"

"no" I laughed at him. He was so annoying why did he think I was going to listen to him.

"Fine you wanna do this the hard way then"

"Tom get the fuck off me, your little fight had nothing to do with me." He dragged me into the kitchen grabbed a knife and then started walking towards the stairs.

"Where are we going? What are you doing?" Fear stuck through my body when I realized what was about to happen.

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