Chapter Ten ~Dont speak of her like that!"

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"What the fuck!" I screamed confused as to why I was just dragged behind a car.

"Tom finally left with that slut now I can have you!" Was all he said before be started kissing down my neck.

"Mina!! Ali!! Raya!! Somebody help me please!" I screamed out praying somebody would hear me. His hand got closer and closer to my pussy and nobody was coming to save me. Tears streamed down my face. He covered my mouth but I continued to scream.

"I swear to god if you don't shut the fuck up ill break your fucking arm" His voice was filled with venom.

"Fuck you!" My muffled screams filled the air. With that he did just as he said and broke my arm.

"Now it will only get worse from here." I kept screaming and every time I screamed he hit me. My lip was busted open and my face was completely red.

His hand was not under my dress and he was playing with my pussy. I bit the hand that was covering my mouth and used that as an opportunity get away. I kneed him in the balls and ran away. The first person I saw was Raya.

"Raya help me please help!"

"Holy shit Layla whats wrong?"

"Some guy he just tried to rape me! Raya he tried to rape me!" I screamed at her through my sobs. Minako ran over to us and heard what happened.

Minako got up and stormed over to Bill who was talking with Georg and Ali. "Bill where the fuck is Tom!"

"Im not sure probably left with some slut. Why?"

"Layla almost just got raped!" Everyone was now watching the scene that played out. The boss of the biggest gang in Japan couldn't even protect his bumper.

"Fuck we have to go get Layla and get in my car.

After the race Layla walked off and I assumed she went to go speak with Minako or something.

I walked over to Osako and whispered, "we can slip out now come on" we got into my car and I sped off.

I drove us to a nice hotel and led her upstairs to the room I had already rented out. Every year after this party I take Osako to this hotel and fuck her brains out.

Closing the door Osako slammed her body against mine and started to make out with me. I licked her lip lightly asking for entrance, of course she granted it. I picked her up, still kissing her, I carried her over to the bed. Setting her on my lap she started to grind on my thigh, growing needy to feel me inside her. I pushed her off me and took of my clothes laying back down on the bed she did the same thing. Osako started to ride. Fuck it felt so good. I couldn't stop myself from imagining Layla riding my dick right now, transforming Osako's high pitched moans into the sexy ones Layla let out that one night she almost gave in to me.

Bill started to spam call my phone so I answered.

"Fuck Bill what is it this isn't a good time!"

"Its Layla!" Bill sounded panicked. I shoved Osako off me and she hit the ground with a whine.

"Whats wrong?? What happened to her?"

"Some asshole at the race tried to rape her! She is fucked up pretty bad you need to get over here now!"

"Fuck im on my way!" I hung up and put back on my boxers and pants.

"No Tom don't go! Who gives a fuck about Layla she deserves it anyways!" Her whiny ass voice only made my anger 100 times worse.

"Don't you ever fucking speak of her like that!" I slapped her across the face. I finished putting on the rest of my clothes and ran out to go get Layla.

A/N/- sorry this is a short chapter but make sure if you like it to vote! If you have anh idea of what you think should happen next you can comment or dm me! LOVE YA!

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